Author Topic: The Third Policeman [Flann O'Brien - 1967]  (Read 23229 times)


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The Third Policeman [Flann O'Brien - 1967]
« on: December 06, 2016, 10:14:51 AM »
The Third Policeman tells the story of a young man who murders a wealthy farmer in order to get funding to print a book he has written on an obscure philosopher/scientist called DeSelby. Kickstarter wasn't around back then! It's surreal, hilarious, and unsettling, and you really should read it. Written by Flann O'Brien [aka Brian O'Nolan] in 1939, it sadly wasn't published until almost 3 decades later.

Brian O'Nolan pokes fun at wide range of targets including science, academia, bureaucrats, and of course, Irishness. While this might sound like it makes for difficulty reading, it's a short book, and you'll breeze through it. It's incredibly well written and one of the most bizarrely funny books I've ever read. If you'd like to read a section where O'Nolan pokes fun at atomic theory, you can find a small section of the book here.

Opening line: Not everybody knows how I killed old Phillip Mathers, smashing his jaw in with a spade; but first it is better to speak of my friendship with John Divney because it was he who first knocked old Mathers down by giving him a great blow in the neck with a special bicycle-pump which he manufactured himself out of a hollow iron bar.


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Re: The Third Policeman [Flann O'Brien - 1967]
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2018, 05:58:48 PM »
Thanks for quoting the opining line, it got me interested right away, I'll make sure to get it from a library soon! : )