Author Topic: Suggestion - being able to select characters even if they've finished their turn  (Read 13586 times)


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This is one on my wishlist.
This has to do with tactical manoeuvring.
If I've got several enemies up close and it's my turn, I would LOVE to be able to select the other Characters that will be up soon (or just had their turn) so I can see what their chance to hit will be on their turn. This way I can prioritise targets based on hit chances.

Not sure if I'm being clear.
So, I have two enemies up near one of my characters. It's my turn. I check what my chances to hit are based on proximity. I'd love to be able to switch to the next character to see what their chances are to hit so I can pick which enemy to shoot at based on the chances.

Alternatively, we don't get to check... because you wouldn't get that info in a real fire fight.
I just like having that information in a tactical game.


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Will have a think about it, cheers for suggestion!