Sorry, I'm not going to be much help here... I have no idea what's happening.
I can't launch a mission.
I have all three team mates selected and on team.
Clicking the "Play" button does nothing.

Actually... it seems to be any mission. I can't start any mission.
Saving and restarting the game didn't help.
I have enough intel in each area to at least show the Gang in control. Most zones have enough intel to show the Danger level (only about two zones do not). Some zones have more intel (I have one zone up to 100% intel).
It appears I can't start any mission. I have systematically clicked through every zone and tried to start a mission (barring the No Gang zones that do not have a Play button).
It appears my game is broken.
Let me know if you need a copy of my save or anything. I guess I'm done play testing for this iteration. =)