Had components to craft 2 Personal Armours. Clicked the up arrow and it told me I was only missing 4 Padding to be able to craft 3 armour. I had two allies, so I went to the shop and bought the padding to craft armour for everyone.
I used the up arrow to select 3 armours to craft and it told me the time, materials required and the number of armours to be crafted (x3 appeared on the picture of the armour). I clicked the craft button and my materials were used.
Then I went to my inventory to find only one armour in storage. I put it on Sam and there were no other armours for my other two allies. The materials were gone.
After a mission there were still no additional armours (in case they were crafting over time), so I went and bought more supplies and crafted a single armour and I got it straight away. This demonstrated to me that the other two were never made.
I tested it by crafting a backpack. Told it to craft 2. Took my materials but only gave me 1.