Darn it... sorry... broke it straight away. =(
I started. I've been fighting and moving around. The female enemy healed (but has been hit again since).
I can't move. It's not even drawing the movement lines.
I can't shoot. It's not even giving me target information.
I can't punch. It's still not giving me target info.
It let me reload... but... the AP indicator is showing the 4 yellow squares that would be reserved for the shot I wanted to take.
The correct enemy portrait flashes when I put my cursor over them. I do not get target info.
It did let me end the turn, but then I was in the same position as above. Can't move or attack.
Then I discovered that I can't heal either (which makes sense as I can't act).

Above image shows that it's not drawing the path line for movement.
Note: The AP indicator is still showing the 4 AP reserved for the shot I was going to take with the gun.

Above image shows no target information. Correct enemy portraits flash when the cursor is over them.

Above image shows that I managed to get some target information... unfortunately it's for my own character. Correct enemy portrait was flashing while it gave me Sam's targeting information.
Ok.... so I can switch gear. I can access my inventory.
Ahh... it reduces my movement range, but my AP hasn't changed.

Above image shows my movement radius decreased (from swapping items in and out of my bag), but the AP indicator at the bottom is still showing full AP. Note that this screenshot was after I ended my turn, which is why the woman moved and the guy smacked me for minor damage. The enemy is not affected.