Author Topic: [Resolved] Critical Charge doesn't seem to reset on critical hit  (Read 15269 times)


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(v15, linux)

I've tested this with Elena Furey and guns and precision rifle on the church folks. The critical percentages in the tooltip go up properly. However, if the hit is the red one (I assumed this indicates the critical?) it doesn't reset back to the base critical chance. It continues to rise as if no critical hit occured.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2017, 03:27:54 PM by Daithi »


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Re: Critical Charge doesn't seem to reset on critical hit
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2017, 12:55:48 PM »
Thanks for this. Sounds like a minor issue with some code not being run - will check it out.

Just thought I'd mention that I'm aware am falling behind on bug fixes - with the Unity issue, and a lot of extra functionality going into version 16, I'll likely only have time to work on the more serious ones for this update. That said, I'm not going to be adding features for much longer - I'd expect the last sizable features will be added in V18 or V19, and then more emphasis will be placed on bugs, polish, content and balance. I just didn't want you to think all the help you and others are giving with testing is being ignored.


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Re: [Fix Req] Critical Charge doesn't seem to reset on critical hit
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2017, 10:37:15 PM »
Of course. Likewise, you can assume, at least speaking for myself, that I'm aware issues don't need to be addressed in near future and that it's completely on your considerations. It's just easier to report while having the game and bugs still on mind. Though I was also thinking about slow down and watch some Humphrey Bogart's movies. A recently acquired appetite.

The new issues also naturally emerge during testing added features. I imagine you would want to spent time on that primarily before the next release, etc. (that said I've just posted bugs, ups.)   


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Re: [Fix Req] Critical Charge doesn't seem to reset on critical hit
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2017, 08:53:25 AM »
Absolutely... please post when it's most convenient for you - the bugs won't be going anywhere, and I'll have them all listed for when I have time : )

The only Bogart movies I've seen so far are the Big Sleep (a pretty faithful recreation of the Chandler novel) and Casablanca. Liked both of them, but didn't think Bogart was a great Philip Marlowe (likely because I've read the books quite a few times before seeing the film adaptation).


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Re: [Fix Req] Critical Charge doesn't seem to reset on critical hit
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2017, 03:27:34 PM »
Found an issue which is causing this - is fixed now. I'll keep an eye out for this in testing - please let me know if you encounter this again, there are quite a few paths where crit chance should be reset, but think I found them all now.


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Re: [Resolved] Critical Charge doesn't seem to reset on critical hit
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2017, 03:08:34 AM »
Looks fixed indeed, however, there is this thing: once you hit at least once using burst modes or shotgun cones the critical charge will go up by 4 points, but no more. A submachine gun, an assault rifle and a shotgun walk into a mission with Elena. She is Rambo of the party, but even when hitting a lot in one go she is always charged for one shot only.

If may, I would like to advocate for taking into account each successful hit for consistency. I understand balancing passes are yet to come, but wouldn't much worry about being overpowered. Even when it would be possible to reach 100% crit chance in a battle it will reset you back to the base right after the next hit.   

I've seen Casablanca and The Enforcer, Maltese Falcon is the next.
I think the only time I liked the movie more after reading a book is when didn't liked the book much in the first place. Used to wonder perhaps there is some sort of clash of imaginations when watching adaptations. Well, whatever.