Author Topic: Feedback - What don't you like/What do you want to see changed or updated?  (Read 16730 times)


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There's a "What do you like" thread here:,274.msg1126.html#msg1126
This is the "What doesn't work for you" thread.  =)

What are things that you'd like to see changed/updated/modified?
This includes things that are due for development, so that we can give feedback on the kinds of things we want to see improved.

My experience is with V16.
Things I'd like to see developed:
  • speed of enemy turns. It's fine when there's a few enemies, but when there are ten or more their turns tend to drag until you thin the herd.
  • grenades. Currently I find a disconnect between the grenade graphic and the grenade damage.

That will do for now.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2017, 02:21:03 AM by Nomad »


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Am with you on the turn speed with more enemies. This will definitely be looked at.


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Yeah.... I know... You're already all over it.
Just getting the ball rolling.  =)


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I find the buttons along the left side of the base upgrade screen to be confusing. They switch out all over the place and confuse me.
Is there any chance to have one button per upgrade type (Library, Gym, Firing Range, etc) and then just have the current one highlighted?


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Good point! Thought so too. Or maybe greyed out might also work.

Btw. the background under the text listing effects could use some more darkening for better contrast (readability).


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Yeah, found it took longer to figure which was which due to changing order - it's likely a small job, so will look at this.