Author Topic: Your thoughts on Enemy Facilities  (Read 29480 times)


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Re: Your thoughts on Enemy Facilities
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2017, 04:30:01 PM »
I would say, you have the initial kick working well. If not for the interrogation issue, we would progressed much further. So don't take me too seriously. Only trying to theorize upon what you're saying and from my limited experience with v19. Probably making many mistakes in the process.

Rackets will likely also have a chance to provide intel on lieutenant
Already happening to me, but specialists  provide intel on lieutenant too -> thus the same max outcome right now.

or perhaps boss if upgraded.
Now that would be different level. If there is a final number of intel pieces on the boss, would even change value of things in that preliminary perception. Also more varied playthroughs. Can one, for example, skip a lieutenant and still win the game? Not that it must be, just thinking about your idea a bit.

Rackets require a large investment, providing both immediate bonuses and increasing the rate at which the gangs can purchase upgrades, so taking them out will weaken the gang's strength in tactical combat, and slow the progress rate.
Yeah, I probably undervalued that.

Guessing, how much important will also naturally vary across difficulties?
Don't know many games I would be tempted to try difficulties just for differing experience. (yes, realizing it's pretty low at any list to consider... just something nice to think of)

this area will definitely be revamped for V21
That would probably be the first EA update? If everything goes well, I guess you will be considering priorities based on feedback from players. In case there is still some space left, would be also neat if the city map gets more tile types. Uh... Now I'm totally puzzled why this popped into my head while reading that you plan re-valuate game progression.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2017, 04:33:15 PM by ushas »


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Re: Your thoughts on Enemy Facilities
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2017, 04:56:51 PM »
Now that would be different level. If there is a final number of intel pieces on the boss, would even change value of things in that preliminary perception. Also more varied playthroughs. Can one, for example, skip a lieutenant and still win the game? Not that it must be, just thinking about your idea a bit.

Certainly possible, if upgraded rackets can give boss intel. Another angle is the possibility of not getting intel from a lieutenant (failing interrogation). So will also need to allow gangs to recruit new lieutenants.

this area will definitely be revamped for V21
That would probably be the first EA update? If everything goes well, I guess you will be considering priorities based on feedback from players. In case there is still some space left, would be also neat if the city map gets more tile types. Uh... Now I'm totally puzzled why this popped into my head while reading that you plan re-valuate game progression.

Yep, will be. Some of attention will be directed toward feedback, but think it will be important to do a pass on intel gain, since it's the biggest balance issue (we are aware of). More tiles will come fairly soon, as will linking of combat area type to tile type, but need to make more maps of certain types (industrial & chinatown in particular) to allow for a decent rotation of maps.