Author Topic: [Nomad - Can you help?] Enemy not releasing his turn  (Read 69104 times)


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Re: [Resolved] Enemy not releasing his turn
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2017, 08:20:43 AM »
As I mentioned in my question regarding unarmed Mafia enemies...
Danger level 3, High Wealth map. Unarmed Mafia lady ran up to Elena and then did nothing (failed to end her turn).
I'd already killed two unarmed Mafia people. There are five Mafia left.
A tougher Mafia guy pulled a rifle at the back and took a shot and hit.
Woman Mafia ran up to Elena, who had just been hit, and didn't end turn.
Ray would be next (if he had a turn).


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Re: [Resolved] Enemy not releasing his turn
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2017, 08:42:42 AM »
Another Mafia woman failed to hand over her turn.
If it wasn't for the issue occurring with a Cultist earlier, I'd assume it was all a Mafia problem.

The mini-boss at the back (on the right of the screen) had just pulled out his big rifle and taken a shot (he missed). Then the person below him on the screen took a shot.
Then the burning woman ran out of the fire (she was at the top-right in the fire patch) and did nothing.
This time there's another two Mafia before it's Ray's turn.

This is a Danger 3 Mafia map with High Wealth.
Medikit problem? Then why are they running up to my people first? I don't know what they're thinking.

« Last Edit: August 20, 2017, 08:44:39 AM by Nomad »


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Re: [Resolved] Enemy not releasing his turn
« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2017, 07:50:20 PM »
Do you remember whether some of those units were acting at the end of the queue?
If not, perhaps will know who acted first and last in those battles you included images for - you or enemies?

Trying to assess whether any of that has something to do with end of queue proceedings...

However, also suspecting there are more issues at play. For example, this screenshot of yours:
Another Mafia woman failed to hand over her turn.
If it wasn't for the issue occurring with a Cultist earlier, I'd assume it was all a Mafia problem.

The mini-boss at the back (on the right of the screen) had just pulled out his big rifle and taken a shot (he missed). Then the person below him on the screen took a shot.
Then the burning woman ran out of the fire (she was at the top-right in the fire patch) and did nothing.
This time there's another two Mafia before it's Ray's turn.

This is a Danger 3 Mafia map with High Wealth.
Medikit problem? Then why are they running up to my people first? I don't know what they're thinking.

has one very suspicious fellow there... fire! In the past, subtracting fire damage was also source of some issues, esp. when at the end of the queue. I guess the guy, who is about to act after the girl, is the one on fire and he is going to die. But could be just coincidence.

As a side note, from peeking into the log during previous versions, it can pretty much freeze at different stages. So it may as well be the guy's turn already, you just don't see the queue portraits moved to the next one yet, and vice versa.

Whereas, this other screen:
Mafia enemy failed to finish turn.
Danger 3 Mafia map.

No one was on Overwatch. My team started, surrounded, in the middle of the map and we've had a couple of rounds fighting our way toward a defensible position.
has a lady at the bottom right corner, who looks like she just got spawned into the map... Then the question is, whether the next one to act is at the end of the queue and it's her. Though I could be wrong. The point is, may or may not be related to the issue of freezing at enemy spawn:,386

If you are game for crazy tests, Nomad, then when happens the next could you try pressing end turn key? The most mostest it won't do anything (enemy's turn). But it did helped me when I was deliberately having Ray with low initiative (aka at the end of queue), and it was his turn that couldn't be ended...

Btw. the maps of the pictures are:
DowntownMed2, Map 5
ChinaTownGraveyard1, Map 17


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Re: [Resolved] Enemy not releasing his turn
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2017, 02:24:20 AM »
There you go.
They may be all completely different issues.
Could be that the fire guy is going to die and therefore can't decide what to do about it. Just head toward the light little buddy.

Might be a spawn issue on the other one. We'd played a couple of rounds, so that person should have moved from there if they were already on the map.

Others crashed on the enemy before Ray. He is likely to be toward the end of the queue, which means the enemy wasn't at the end of the queue.
I'll try hitting End Turn next time I get a freeze.


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Re: [Resolved] Enemy not releasing his turn
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2017, 12:51:03 PM »
Another one.
Round just started. Sam went first and shot. Hit the Mafia in the middle.
Boss shot with his rifle (there's that rifle again).
Then the woman on my left moved up into my face.
I expected her to shoot... but nothing happened.
Only Sam and the mini-boss mafia guy have shot so it's definitely not an end-of-round issue.

The rifle being fired by the tougher mafia guy seems suspicious. That has preceded more than one lock-up. He fires, someone moves and doesn't end.


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Re: [Resolved] Enemy not releasing his turn
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2017, 01:43:42 PM »
Ok... I'm the start of the queue.
This is round 2.

I think it's a weapon/AP thing.
The Mafia ran right up to me, then turned as though to attack. Then nothing.
Might want to check that they have enough AP for the gun they have. Maybe they think it costs 3 when it costs 4 or something?
Each freeze seems to be when they want to attack, but can't for some reason.


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Re: [Resolved] Enemy not releasing his turn
« Reply #21 on: August 21, 2017, 03:14:42 PM »
Thanks for reporting. If you can get this to happen again, can you exit and get the log file and email it to me? Would be a big help in narrowing it down - it's really hard to say from a screenshot what might be at play. The log file should be here on windows: C:\Users\Daithi\AppData\Local\Unity\Editor\Editor.txt


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Re: [Resolved] Enemy not releasing his turn
« Reply #22 on: August 21, 2017, 04:36:47 PM »
Hm... Nomad, you're onto something with closing enemies and the gear...
Like some detective mystery, clues right in front. :)

Anyway, I slept for many days till like August 1st, Vigilante difficulty. Couldn't get freeze at Mafia with rifles, but could on tiles with Churchers.

What I saw is similar to what you've been describing the whole time. In my case the encounter is all churchers with pistols. One of them was near and instead of shooting (from 2 tiles away with clear view) decided to come next to Sam, and pulled out... pistol (see attached image). Then... nothing. So went into the log and there is... no error.

But the last section suspiciously looks like she is in the melee setup and successfully attacked Sam with bladed weapon:
Code: [Select]
CharacterAIScript.ExecuteNextOrder. This order is a melee order
CharacterMainScript.AISwitchToItemAtPos. Method called. Item pos is: 1 item name: Abramovich 9
CharacterMovementScript.AnimateEquipmentChange. Method called. Last equipment type: 0 current equip type: 4 weapon list pos: 12
CharacterMovementScript.AnimateEquipmentChange. Method called. current equipment type is: 4
CharMoveScript.AnimatePistolDraw. Method called
BattleControlScript.DisablePlayerInputForSeconds. Method called
CharacterMovementScript.AnimateEquipmentChange. Player input disabled for 1H Ranged Draw. Time is: 53.71826
WeaponListObjectScript.ActivateWeaponGameObject. Method called. Requested weapon position is: 12 ik Position: 2
IKScript.SetCurrentIKPosition. Method called. Position is: 2
WeaponListObjectScript.ActivateWeaponGameObject. Current spawn point is: (13.8, 0.9, -21.5)
BattleControlScript.EnablePlayerInput. Time is: 54.6 time until user input enabled: 54.57326
BattleControlScript.EnablePlayerInput. Time is: 54.6 time until user input enabled: 54.57326 ENABLING
CharMainScript.SetupMeleeAttack. Body part damage modifier: 1 / is overwatch attack: False / is AOO: False
CharacterMainScript.SetupMeleeAttack. Character Sam Contino is not already on list. Adding
Item.ApplyDeteriorationFromUse. Method called. Item condition %: 0.98
BCS.GetMeleeCTH. Attacker Melee Skill: 45 / defence from melee 22.5 / defense from armour 0 / defense from evasion: 9 / attack rating: 1.428571 / melee multiplier: 37.5 bodyPart CTH Multipler:1 use mode CTH multiplier:1 / final chance to hit: 53
CharacterMainScript.SetupMeleeAtack. Bladed attack. Apply bladed damage multiplier (1.08) to existing attack damage: 7.5
CharMainScript.SetupMeleeAttack. Attack damage is: 7.7517 defender HP: 41
Item.ReturnDamageAfterResistance. Damage is: 7.7517 / damage type: 0
Item.ReturnDamageAfterResistance. Start Damage: 7.7517 /armour condition %: 1 /absorbed 0 /resisted: 0 /damage applied: 7.7517
BCS.GetObstructedTileArray. Checking tile (11.0, 18.0)
BCS.GetObstructedTile. Not including opponent tile (12.0, 17.0) in obstructed tile list
BCS.GetObstructedTileArray. Checking tile (12.0, 17.0)
BCS.GetObstructedTile. Tile: 12 / 16 is obstructed
BCS.GetObstructedTile. Not including opponent tile (11.0, 18.0) in obstructed tile list
CharMainScript.SetupMeleeAttack. is orthagonal: False
CharacterMainScript.SetupMeleeAttack. Defender animation type is: 0 attacker animation type is: 4

After quitting the game, there was also this line:
Code: [Select]
CharacterMainScript.UpdateReachableTiles. Method called for: Sister Nedosekov AP left: -1 Use mode AP: 4
Not sure if helps anything. I dunno, a wrong weapon pulled, weapon mode, or wrong animation type, or a hole in equipment tiers, AI problem...?
« Last Edit: August 21, 2017, 04:39:30 PM by ushas »


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Re: [Resolved] Enemy not releasing his turn
« Reply #23 on: August 21, 2017, 04:51:30 PM »
Nice work. Seems to be a problem with the equipment type not being updated when they change weapons. Trying melee attacks with a pistol. I guess we don't have to worry about the AI escaping and taking over the world... Also a problem is that not all churchers should have guns - it's likely counter productive for them to do so. Any chance you can send me the save and the tile you attacked, if I ask really nicely, Ushas? Pretty please :)


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Re: [Resolved] Enemy not releasing his turn
« Reply #24 on: August 21, 2017, 06:15:01 PM »
I don't know, we're breaking really big here, especially Nomad in this thread... And you just come asking, pretty nicely on top of that, for sending you logs and saves - the things we should have sent in the first place... Are you some sort of game developer?  ;D

(yeah, sorry, will send shortly)


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Re: [Resolved] Enemy not releasing his turn
« Reply #25 on: August 22, 2017, 05:35:29 AM »
I can't find a Unity directory anywhere in my user directory. I even searched my entire C: drive and though I found several Unity folders, they were all within specific game directories except one... which had a completely different folder structure (I think it's for yet another game).

I did a search of my entire C: drive for Editor.txt and came up blank.
I checked the Vigilantes game directory (on my D: drive) and found no TXT files at all.

I can't find this log file.

Hopefully Ushas supplied what you need because I can't find it... and my last save won't be any help because when I go into the same mission I get a different map.

I'm pretty sure it's a weapon/attack problem based on how the enemy behaves before hanging.

Edit: I searched my entire games drive (D:) and found two Editor.txt files. One is from 17/10/2005 and the other is from 14/10/1998 (Railroad Tycoon 2).

I simply do not have the Editor.txt file on my computer for your game.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2017, 06:07:43 AM by Nomad »


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Re: [Resolved] Enemy not releasing his turn
« Reply #26 on: August 22, 2017, 10:48:13 AM »
Ah ok, no problem. What version of windows are you using?


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Re: [Resolved] Enemy not releasing his turn
« Reply #27 on: August 22, 2017, 10:55:58 AM »
Such valiant effort! (hello fellow tycoonist)

@Daithi, isn't that Editor.txt file only for a debug version of the game or so?

Hopefully Ushas supplied what you need because I can't find it... and my last save won't be any help because when I go into the same mission I get a different map.
Sent autosave prior the battle and the player log post the freeze. The problem is, if you re-launch the game afterwards it will rewrite this file. So it's useful only right after the bug occurrence.
As for the one I was talking about:
It can be something like:
C:\Program Files (x86)\VigilantesV18Win\Vigilantes18_Data\
C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\Timeslip Softworks\VigilantesV18\

The name of the file:
output_log.txt    or    Player.log

I'm pretty sure it's a weapon/attack problem based on how the enemy behaves before hanging.
Yeah, I think you nailed it. Looking at all those pictures, thinking how could I be so blind... It was always the one next to you!:)


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Re: [Resolved] Enemy not releasing his turn
« Reply #28 on: August 22, 2017, 11:02:15 AM »
Whoops, Ushas is right on that editor is the version which Unity makes when run inside the editor ... sorry Nomad, looks like I sent you on a wild goose chase :/

It appears to be here: C:\Program Files (x86)\VigilantesV19Win\Vigilantes19Win_Data\Output_log


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Re: [Resolved] Enemy not releasing his turn
« Reply #29 on: August 23, 2017, 01:31:37 PM »
Looking at this now on Ushas' save. Bug has been recreated.

I'm pretty sure it's a weapon/attack problem based on how the enemy behaves before hanging.

This looks to be spot on - the first thing that's jumping out is that the church characters have 2 unarmed items, which is likely the cause of the problem. Seems that a nearby racket is boosting their equipment level, and there's an error causing 2 unarmed items to be equipped. Couple of other take aways: they have a lot of cash (9247), have built 3 rackets, and have not increased their equipment level, so will increase racket cost, decrease racket income, and encourage them to buy some equipment upgrades.

In contrast, the survivalists have purchases 2 equipment upgrades and have equipment level 4, compared to the churches level 0.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2017, 02:18:57 PM by Daithi »