Author Topic: [Resolved]Battle shortcuts and camera operations work on inventory / char screen  (Read 12746 times)


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(v19, linux)

Problem: Shortcuts and camera operations that are only meant for the battle screen will be still working while visiting inventory or character screens.

In case of shortcuts, for example: you can end turn, switch weapons / modes, enter overwatch, delay... All translate to the battle.

Scrolling / zooming / rotating the map (mouse and connected shortcuts) work too. For example, if you move the mouse to the border of the screen or scroll the wheel, you can see it really scrolled or zoomed the battle map, when you go back.

If some ending turn shortcuts were used, you will now see that it's the next unit's turn, or even more further down the queue if the next one was an enemy. Yep, enemies will act while you're still browsing an ally's inventory.

Yeah, so I think those shortcuts and camera shouldn't work on inventory / char. screens. There are no buttons for those, can happen by accident. All in all I would say those two screens aren't properly separated from the combat. So possibly other consequences may occur. The battle continues on its own when you are in the inventory, for example.

How to screw others:
  1. During an ally's turn go to Inventory.
  2. End the turn by end turn shortcut.
  3. Put the first item from your backpack to hand.
If the next unit was an ally again, the item changing operation was done for them (AP subtracted etc.), despite the inventory still showing the previous ally. But it will properly update the hands. However, when the next unit was an enemy and it's still an enemy's turn (albeit some other's one) at the time of the inventory operation (3), it will change the item at hand for him. You can also do other stuff to them, of course. 

Suggestion: Dunno how to define that "separation" I'm babbling about, but apart separating shortcuts and mouse, for sure I would like to suggest pausing the combat while viewing inventory / char. screens. Like it all works when escaped to the menu - this one has no such issues as described above.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2017, 11:03:30 AM by Daithi »


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I've added a check for if the main UI is active to both the battle and camera inputs. Can't move camera or use any of the shortcuts.