Author Topic: Suggestion: Non-Combat scenario feedback  (Read 18217 times)


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Suggestion: Non-Combat scenario feedback
« on: September 09, 2017, 03:49:01 AM »
Hey there.
I assume that the non-combat scenarios award something. It's only an assumption because there's no indication either way.

Like fixing that woman's door. Does that award XP and/or Reputation?
If so... I'd like to make a suggestion to give some feedback for those scenarios.

Sometimes I launch a mission and it goes to helping that lady with her door and when I've finished I feel like I missed out on the loot a normal mission would have given.
I feel like I've missed out because that mission doesn't appear to award anything.
If I got feedback telling me my Reputation increased, then I'd feel I had achieved something and it would be ok.


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Re: Suggestion: Non-Combat scenario feedback
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2017, 10:45:44 AM »
It's actually been done for that mission this week :) You can get reputation and a gun. This is down as one of the things I need to tackle - making the dialogue encounters more significant to overall game progress.


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Re: Suggestion: Non-Combat scenario feedback
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2017, 03:07:59 AM »
Yeah, I think that having a variety of non-combat encounters will really break up the gameplay.

I assume they are written to have different outcomes depending on how you handle them. Is that the case?


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Re: Suggestion: Non-Combat scenario feedback
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2017, 08:30:49 AM »
Yeah, the dialogue branches at each choice, but where possible, try to tie them up again. In this mission fixing the door (by either means) will give one outcome (with some dialogue variation) whereas not fixing it, or even failing to calm the woman results in another.


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Re: Suggestion: Non-Combat scenario feedback
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2017, 03:17:45 PM »
Yeah, cool.  =)

I like the idea of differing rewards based on choices.
Eg: You can get a decent amount of cash and a minor Reputation penalty or get a minor Reputation bonus.

Or, get cash or get a gun.
Varying Reputation bonuses depending on how you handled the encounter, etc.


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Re: Suggestion: Non-Combat scenario feedback
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2017, 03:16:42 PM »
Probably bad memory, but think, at least for several past versions, I never failed a conversation check (enemies always distracted etc.). Mentioning just in case of any bugs.

I would expect even non-combat encounters have strategical influence. Not like necessary part of campaign, but when you get it instead of a regular district combat, naturally compares to that. And one of the important combat outcomes is possibility to get intel. Additionally, has impact on district, thus consequently on gang (lowering income, # of troops). Etc.

Based on some things said, eg. if specific party members are present, think I initially thought it will lower crime in the area. Even can imagine if we have some reputation already, just a mere presence of Sam and pals would suffice for criminals to decide keeping their heads low for a while...

Cash or a gun, getting rewards... Thinking about this specific scenario - calming old lady and fixing her door - how do you, guys, feel about helping her out and getting paid for that? How that compares to her calling a regular repairman to do the job? It is a honest question, would like to understand how others see it. A quite common in games.

Not that I have any illusions about altruistic-looking things being altruistic, doing favors is known to pay itself eventually after all. Only that if it happens it's usually a bit later, more subtle, or in unexpected ways.

One more silly question - what is reputation for?


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Re: Suggestion: Non-Combat scenario feedback
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2017, 03:26:51 PM »
One more silly question - what is reputation for?

It will affect which ending you get and likely the outcome of a number of dialogue encounters. Right now, the requirements are low, mostly to make people aware that it's a part of the game.