It all started with Half-life...
My girlfriend was studying in another city and I went to visit her for a while. I took my computer with me and decided that I would re-install half-life on it. I used the CD's I had and installed the game.
Then... it required me to use Steam...
I just wanted to play a bit of half-life. I had the CD's. The game is single player.
Steam refused to let me play.
I had to wait for half-life to update... over a dial-up connection.
Took much longer than 8 hours. I was livid.
Another time I bought a graphics card. The game Dirt 3 came with it.
I installed the graphics card and then went to install the game to run the card through it's paces.
That's when I got this lovely dialog box:

I thought it was a bit strange, so I contacted Steam support.
They said: Send us a picture of the game box, the receipt, the CD key and I think they wanted something else... but I forget.
Now... this wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't back 2007 before mobile phones with camera's were a big thing. I had a film camera.
Sufficed to say I did what I could and Steam jerked me around for ages.... Three months in fact.
This is me contacting Steam, Eidos UK, and other help sites trying to get the game sorted.

It was three months before I was even able to install the game.
I played it a bit, but was so soured by the experience of talking to a brick wall that I uninstalled it in disgust.
About a year later I thought that I probably didn't like Dirt 3 just because of how Steam treated me. So I went to reinstall it again... and got this message:

I contacted Steam support and said something like: "I don't care about this game any more. I don't want to install it. What I DO want to know is why the key has been taken away. I fought for three months to prove I own the game. Does someone else have the same key. What is happening?"
Steam's response was: Send us a picture of the game box, the receipt, the CD key and I think they wanted something else... but I forget.
I replied telling them to fuck off and left it at that.
Funnily enough... many years later... when they released the Dirt 3 Complete Edition... I got a copy. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Another time I logged on to Steam I was greeted with this screen:

That's a little dude telling me to F-off.
Another time I bought Mafia II from the shop, took it home and went to install it and got this screen:

So on and so forth.
Effectively I keep Steam in offline mode. Then when I go online for one of the few games that is online only, Steam and I play a game of "Guess which games Steam will disable". I play mostly single player games. Yet Steam refuses to let me play them if the developer has added Steam controller support. Or updated the game to support some language I don't speak. These are games that I don't go online with yet I can't choose whether to update or not.
The one that pisses me off... I was playing a game called Satelite Reign.
One day I couldn't play it until I updated it. The update was the developer disabling the cloth in the game because some people were having issues with the cloth. Until Unity fixed the cloth issue, they disabled it.
I WASN'T having an issue with the cloth. I LIKED the cloth. Tough luck. No cloth for you.
No choice.
Hate it.
GoG have got it right. You don't have to use it. You don't have to patch. It's wonderful.
It's the place to go if you want to get the latest official patches, but you aren't forced to use them.
When I jump on to play a game for 20 minutes... I don't want to be spending that 20 minutes watching Steam update the single player game.
And all this.... doesn't even touch on the fact that Steam can simply take all your games away from you.
They pretend they're a shop front. But they're not.
They're not a shop, they're more like a game's arcade where you have to enter to play.
When you buy at a shop, if you violate the shop's conditions of entry, they kick you out and you can't buy from them any more. They don't come to your house and remove everything you've bought from them previously.
Also... the examples above are not all of the reasons I hate Steam. This has been going on since Half-Life was released.