Author Topic: [Partially Resolved] Shotgun: CTH for out of cone enemies and overwatch  (Read 12691 times)


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(v19, linux, Vi)

There are two issues that may or may not be related:

1. The game shows CTH information for enemies outside of the AOE. For example, see attached image: If I would fire it won't hit that distant enemy despite showing nonzero CTH, because he isn't within the cone area. I suggest to put 0% CTH in the tooltips of units outside of AOE.

2. On the other hand, when I end the turn with overwatch holding a shotgun, the attack triggered in OW doesn't take into account the range nor the arc of the shotgun cone. It seems that it triggers using the above CTH and based on OW threshold, and works as any other single-shot single-target gun.
   -> Shotgun in OW behaves very differently than during normal turn.

I've set Elena with a shotgun on OW, allies positioned in front of her - in direction of an enemy. The enemy moves and triggers overwatch - despite being clearly out of the AOE - he is hit. None of brave allies are damaged, despite them being inside of the cone area.

In case needed for anything, attaching excerpt from the log for one of such events: Elena hits distant target in overwatch.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2017, 05:23:29 PM by Daithi »


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Re: Shotgun: CTH for out of cone enemies and overwatch
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2017, 06:34:06 PM »
1. Yeah, will have a look at that one.

2. Right now, shotguns function the same as other weapons in OW, (no cone of fire) and get a damage bonus. I'm aware this is inconsistent, but it may not change. In summary, I can think of no moderately complex solution to change this.


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Re: Shotgun: CTH for out of cone enemies and overwatch
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2017, 05:22:18 PM »
CTH is not displayed for shotguns now in the character info box, instead it reads "cone".