(v23, linux, HB)
Had a bit time on the afternoon so this is the second AI freezing the battle recreation as reported by steam users:
http://steamcommunity.com/app/545600/discussions/1/1693785035818232948This time it's a churcher trying to throw a grenade situation:

Used the same map as on awg's picture, DowntownMed4.
In this setup, according to the log he was aiming a tile where Emilia is standing on the picture.
Last lines of Mr. Mask:
PathFindingScript.FindPath. Open list count is zero
PathFindingScript.TraceAndReturnPath. Number of elements in path: 0 No path has been found. Can trace through occupied: False
CharacterAIScript.GetMoveCloserOrder. Position of player to move closer to: -1
CharacterAIScript.GetRangedOrdersAgainstEnvironmentObjects. Method called. There are: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[InteractableEnvironmentObject] IEOS. Current meta orders: 16
Item.CheckIfEnoughAmmoForAttack. Use mode: 0
CharacterAIScript.GetRangedOrdersAgainstEnvironmentObjects. Completed. Current meta orders: 16
CharAIScript.GetThrownWeaponOrders. Distance between character 0 : Sam Contino and character 1 : Elena Furey is: 2
CharAIScript.GetThrownWeaponOrders. Distance between character 0 : Sam Contino and character 2 : Emilia DeSoto is: 1
CharAIScript.GetThrownWeaponOrders. Distance between character 0 : Sam Contino and character 3 : Ray Case is: 3
CharAIScript.GetThrownWeaponOrders. Distance between character 1 : Elena Furey and character 2 : Emilia DeSoto is: 1
CharAIScript.GetThrownWeaponOrders. Distance between character 1 : Elena Furey and character 3 : Ray Case is: 1
CharAIScript.GetThrownWeaponOrders. Distance between character 2 : Emilia DeSoto and character 3 : Ray Case is: 2
CharAIScript.GetThrownWeaponOrders. Number of AOE connections is: 6
CharAIScript.GetThrownWeaponOrders. Number of characters: 6
CharAIScript.GetThrownWeaponOrders. Target with most surrounding targets is: 0
CharAIScript.GetThrownWeaponOrders. Chose tile: (7.0, 45.0)
PathFindingScript.FindPath. Open list count is zero
PathFindingScript.TraceAndReturnPath. Number of elements in path: 1 No path has been found. Can trace through occupied: False
PathFindingScript.FindPath. Open list count is zero
PathFindingScript.TraceAndReturnPath. Number of elements in path: 1 No path has been found. Can trace through occupied: False
PathFindingScript.FindPath. Open list count is zero
PathFindingScript.TraceAndReturnPath. Number of elements in path: 1 No path has been found. Can trace through occupied: False
CharAIScript.ScoreAndChooseMetaOrder. Method called. Number of Meta Orders to choose from: 19 behaviour type is: 0
CharAIScript.CalculateAggressiveOrderScore. Scoring orders for aggressive character. Average distance to enemy: 7.5
CharAIScript.GetFireScoreMultiplier. Number of fire tiles passed through: 3 penalty: 0.4
CharAIScript.GetFireScoreMultiplier. Number of fire tiles passed through: 4 penalty: 0.5
CharAIScript.GetFireScoreMultiplier. Number of fire tiles passed through: 4 penalty: 0.5
CharAIScript.GetFireScoreMultiplier. Number of fire tiles passed through: 3 penalty: 0.4
CharAIScript.GetFireScoreMultiplier. Not standing on fire tile. No penalty.
CharAIScript.GetFireScoreMultiplier. Not standing on fire tile. No penalty.
CharAIScript.GetFireScoreMultiplier. Not standing on fire tile. No penalty.
CharAIScript.GetFireScoreMultiplier. Not standing on fire tile. No penalty.
CharAIScript.GetFireScoreMultiplier. Not standing on fire tile. No penalty.
CharAIScript.GetFireScoreMultiplier. Not standing on fire tile. No penalty.
CharAIScript.GetFireScoreMultiplier. Not standing on fire tile. No penalty.
CharAIScript.ScoreAndChooseMetaOrder. Chosen order position is: 16
CharAIScript.ExecuteNextAIOrder. Chosen meta order position is: 16 current order position is: 0 number of orders is: 1 order type: 3
CharMoveScript.AnimateThrownWeaponDraw: Method called
CharacterMainScript.SetupThrownAttack. Method called. Target tile is: (7.0, 45.0)
CharMainScript.SetupThrowAttack. Can't throw this far
It ends with the same as noted by awg, "Can't throw this far".
What visibly happened is that he switched from smg to grenade and turned. Then he freezes, not even any idle movement. This AI hanging seems happen a bit later than in other cases, i.e. he managed to do some actions.