Oh. So when the boss was once shooting with a pistol and second time with a rifle, it's not because he has both, but because one of them is randomly assigned to him?
In case those are some memory issues with long battles, perhaps also relates to some of the linux crashes. Think after a long battle I might have a higher chance to get a crash when save and quit the game in quick succession. But that could be just a statistical bias.
Edit: Forgot to mention, there was also this issue: the boss and one other unit was shooting and hitting us throught the long building. Let me know if need upload some screens for finding the hole. It was unfair, we had no los.
Well at least they have a good excuse for young and beautiful cast:D Transferring, altering or elevating consciousness is a sci-fi fancy, isn't it. Unsure more specifically though, you would be better off to consult wiki than my faulty memory. Wish would have read more books. If talking filmed, what comes to mind for some reason is Caprica. Was so hooked on the settings and how Zoe's mind got transferred. Think they even tried to explore a less comfortable questions... Then, after the beginning, all that is just used as a more or less static background of the same old human drama^TM

Haven't really watched after intro.