Author Topic: Mixing modes of elimination  (Read 15399 times)


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Mixing modes of elimination
« on: May 13, 2018, 11:07:39 PM »

Encounter with Survivalist lieutenant Emiko Karikuri: All the team starts peaceful and it's Emiko to go down first. Only at the end of combat I switched Elena to lethal and she kills the last guy (the lowest, foot soldier rank) When it came to interrogation we got searching Emiko's body even though she wasn't the one killed.

In the log:
Code: [Select]
InterrogationManager.SetupInterrogation. Total Enemies: 10 incapacitated enemies: 9 killed: 1 chance to find conscious enemy: 90 has found conscious enemy: False
Thoughts: seems as soon as all are incapacitated somebody will be concious (so far all my battle were like that), but once at least one killed there is a chance no one will be conscious (1/10 in here). Do they all faint upon seeing a comrade killed? Not saying anything is wrong, but the feeling is a kind of strange binary behavior. Perhaps it's the lieutenant situation itself what bothers me. Dunno.