Author Topic: Vigilantes Version 25: What's Happening?  (Read 16408 times)


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Vigilantes Version 25: What's Happening?
« on: February 22, 2018, 03:44:13 PM »
+ Added Utility Slots: additional equipment slots for characters. The number of slots is determined by the Utility stat. This allows for characters to be further customised to suit your playstyle
+ Allies can be used to do the following: Speed up facility construction and raid enemy supplies
+ Allies can get district, racket or lieutenant intel,

+ Added 5 utility items: Light Armour Plate, EMT Kit, Armoured Ski Mask, Athletic grips, Speed Loader
+ Added 5 new crafting recipes
+ Added 4 new crafting components: Weapon Parts, Hardware, Chemicals, Cloth

+ Facilities now take time to build
+ The highest party trade skill is now used for making trades
+ The highest active party craft skill is now used for crafting
+ Crafting and repair time is higher, but available allies reduce craft time
+ Enhanced health restoration and injury removal to allow for more fine grained control
+ Improved algorithim for getting loot, resulting in generally better loot

+ Fixed a number of minor issues on chinatown graveyard map, which were preventing cover icons from being shown.
+ Fixed a couple of minor issues with loot acquisition.
+ Fixed a bug that could cause inventory items to disappear under a certain set of conditions
+ Fixed a bug which could cause inventory item duplication with item slots under a certain set of conditions (Ushas)
+ Fixed tooltip not appearing for Ronin rifles (Nomad, Brasidas, Nonamenan, irishmankentuckian)
+ Fixed a typo in one of Ray Case's barks. (Nomad)
+ Fixed an issue where transferring item stacks in combat could cause inventory to become non-responsive. (Necroscourge & Ushas)
+ Fixed a number of inventory issues which occur when tabbing away from Vigilantes. (Ushas)
+ Fixed intel searches on bodies preventing level completion when all intel is found. (Nonamenan, irishmankentuckian)
+ Fixed top bar icons showing lower resolution. (Nomad)
+ Fixed no ap cost for transferring all items between inventories. (Ushas)
« Last Edit: March 30, 2018, 01:27:43 PM by Daithi »