Author Topic: Vigilantes V26: What's happening?  (Read 18364 times)


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Vigilantes V26: What's happening?
« on: April 03, 2018, 12:56:26 PM »
+ Added new crafting recipes: Sawn Off Orthrus, Nailed Baseball Bat
+ Added 2 new melee weapons: Combat Machete & Nailed Baseball Bat
+ Added 2 new firearms: Abramovich Pump (shotgun) & General Arms Red Hawk (pistol)
+ Added new perk: Better Criticals (Critical hits do 40% more damage)
+ Added new perk: Volatile (50% chance of +50% explosives damage)
+ Added new perk: UPLIFT! (Gain a free stat point)
+ Added new perk: Pack Mule (+15 lbs max carry weight)
+ Added new perk: Berserker Charge (+3 Movement AP, activated, 3 round cooldown)
+ Added 2 city outskirts maps
+ Added a new ally encounter for Edgar
+ Added a new non combat encounter: Method Actor
+ Added a new pre combat encounter: From The Past
+ Added trading cards

+ Experimental: Low level gang members are less frequently armed with firearms. The chance to be equipped with firearms increases with the gang's equipment level.
+ Experimental: The perks solar plexis strike, deep cut, and concussive blow are free to all characters. Firearms have much lower damage scaling with skills, but considerably higher damage overall.
+ Enemy rackets now provide more substantial bonuses.
+ Equipment weight is now taken into consideration, and can lead to characters being encumbered, and negative status effects.
+ It is now harder to target the head (75% -> 60% cth modifier), but attacks to head do more damage (130% -> 150%)
+ Shotguns now have a smaller cone angle, but more range and damage
+ Modified stats and skills for allies
+ Church of the Final Exodus characters are now stronger, and get a bonus to their melee equipment level
+ Survivalists now have a penalty to their melee equipment level
+ Well oiled perk is now as "Tinkerer" and the reduction to item condition from use extends to armour.
+ Athletic Perk now adds +2 movement AP, rather than a single action point

[Feature Improvements]
+ Added movement AP. Characters start with none by default, but can gain movement AP through perks and equipment.
+ Skills can now be increased as a reward from dialogue encounters

+ Improved display format for injury heal time for better clarity.
+ Characters can now reposition through allies.
+ Added options for toggling reflections and fog.
+ A weapon's selected attack type is recorded between turns and when switching weapons.

+ Crafting time was not including allies which are otherwise busy. (Ushas)
+ Prevented facility upgrades being purchased when an upgrade in underway. (Ushas)
+ Attempts to throw grenades beyond throw range are now clearly signalled to the player. (Wee Hours Games)
+ After encountering Doc, injuries will now be healed. (Murkki017)
+ Fixed an issue where allies could be stuck on an operation
+ Fixed issue with dragging stacks of items in the shop not immediately removing the stack. (LoveTruffle & Murkki017)
+ Non combat encounters will no longer occur multiple times.
+ Fixed a number of minor issues with a downtown map.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2018, 11:08:28 AM by Daithi »


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Re: Vigilantes V26: What's happening?
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2018, 05:44:50 PM »
+ Equipment weight is now taken into consideration, and can lead to characters being encumbered, and negative status effects.
Ohoo! I must admit was secretly having fingers crossed that this will make it in. Sooo happy now:)

A question - what encumbered does?

Utility items ideas:

Effect: Increases carry weight significantly (eg. +10kg) but inventory operations cost more (2AP), cause it takes more time to operate a backpack than magical pockets.

Fanny pack
Effect: Increases carry weight, less than a backpack but with no adverse side effects (eg. +5kg)

So for the ultimate pack mule experience one could combine a backpack and a fanny pack, high Prowess and the Pack Mule perk (10P -> ~around 70kg?)...

Btw. unless already addressed think loaded vs. unloaded ammo doesn't change weapon's weight.

+ Experimental: The perks solar plexis strike, deep cut, and concussive blow are free to all characters.

Does it mean that you canceled perks and from now on X% chance to cause [lower enemy AP / bleeding / concussion ] will apply to all [HtH / blade / blunt] weapon attacks? IMO that's really great 2in1 solution, increasing base weapon variety and getting rid of subpar perks.

+ Added new perk: Stat! (Gain a free stat point)
What about Uplift! instead?   (think in Fallout stat! does something different, might be confusing)
« Last Edit: April 17, 2018, 06:08:45 PM by ushas »


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Re: Vigilantes V26: What's happening?
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2018, 11:15:58 AM »
The weight system was sitting there mostly complete (possibly since version 1) so it seemed like it was time to hook it up :) Provisionally, lightly encumbered (>50%) is -1 initiative  and heavily encumbered (>75%) is -1AP, -2 initiative.

Good ideas for utility, very likely at least one will be added.

Yeah, those perks are now linked to the melee weapon types. Have had some feedback on firearms having lower damage, so this seemed like a good way to even out a boost to firearm damage. An area am interested in at the minute is perks for weapons (including one ultimate perk for each) so if you have any ideas, let me know.

Handgun + SMG
Assault Rifle
Precision Rifle

Good call on UPLIFT - changing it now.