Author Topic: [Resolved] Ghost units  (Read 17163 times)


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[Resolved] Ghost units
« on: February 05, 2018, 03:41:38 AM »
(v22-v23, linux)

There are some occasions when KO animation won't play. So a downed unit stays standing. Perhaps the trigger might be different in each case. Will split them by weapon they were holding, based on past advice during the Ray & bat case (maybe it's a similar type of issues?),421

So far they were always having either a grenade or a rifle. For the record, as of now, in v23 have managed to recreate only the rifle case. Unlucky to have a common enemies using grenades lately. Most of observations are based on v22 play.

1) Assault rifle, 2h

This one happened during a Mafia lieutenant fight. According to the log Sam was taken down in CC. Think it must have been more attacks and enemies targeting him. However, I haven't seen it unfold, being alt+tabbed out of the game during turns of enemies.

During v22 was getting several enemies like this, think often taken down in OW. So far they all have been adjacent to full cover, either diagonally or orthogonaly, and facing orthogonaly to that side. Or at least seems that way. Dunno.

They keep playing an idle animation for the rest of the battle (hm, instead of fixing I suggest making them a bit transparent...).

2) Grenade, 1h
When enemies end turn holding a grenade it can also happen that they won't be downed upon incapacitation. Think it can also happen when they are in open (can't find a screenshot, aka evidence, right now). Their stand like lady on the top (dropped a backpack all right):

Just more examples of guys with rifles. All three images here were captured during v22.

With grenades they are frozen. However, seems there is often no idle grenade-holding animation in some stances, or it doesn't play in a certain situation. For example, often getting the grenade-holding enemies frozen (not idling) after they are hit. Unsure if that's any way related to downing (don't need to be incapacitated for no idle animation).

Not much info right now, I guess. Can try look through the log, or upload more guys (though possibly all the same two issues), and work more on recreation, but perhaps you will know much better what to look for in this?
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 02:49:52 PM by Daithi »


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Re: Ghost units
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2018, 08:37:27 AM »
All these are almost certainly a breakdown in the animation system. Will have a quick look to see if can find it, if can't figure it fairly fast, will go back to finishing this update and take it up again early next update. Grenade should be easier to find, looks like they are in the aim animation. No common ground on rifle one, seems to happen in/out of cover, aimed and idle.

Are ordinary enemies wielding grenades?
« Last Edit: February 05, 2018, 08:39:14 AM by Daithi »


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Re: Ghost units
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2018, 08:59:48 AM »
Found an issue with the grenade animation states, sometimes it couldn't escape being hit by a ranged weapon, and then it doesn't react when KO. It looks like the grenade character is stuck in ranged impact.


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Re: Ghost units
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2018, 03:14:51 AM »
Cool. So it was on hit after all.
Was thinking maybe the guys want to fall down to their left or left-top direction, where the wall is, but pretty much clueless here. 

Are ordinary enemies wielding grenades?
They were, esp. in lieutenants fights was getting bombarded. The lady herself is from a scenario map. Or shouldn't they?
Afte being punished with grenades for cheesy pulling around the wall by mafia and survivalists, a kind of expected an armageddon with Churchers when started engaging them lately. But it seems only the mask is more willing. (prob. misremembering, will try play with them more tomorrow) Perhaps they have them, just don't use often.

Edit: Hm, was taking care to put a spec. down first and then cluster, but no ordinary troop wants to be persuaded so far...  Also quickly reloaded some of the previous fights with survivalist lieutenants from v22, where recalling they had them, but again only a lieutenant throws. Bug or feature?
« Last Edit: February 08, 2018, 05:28:03 PM by ushas »


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Re: Ghost units
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2018, 01:20:33 PM »
Have had another report of melee takedown leaving an assault rifle equipped character standing. No real leads as such, just hoping it will happen. Edit: I think one bladed animation is doesn't have enough delay to allow animations to complete fully. Will extend this a little in case it's causing the problem.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2018, 01:22:09 PM by Daithi »


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Re: Ghost units
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2018, 05:27:05 PM »
Then it's possibly similar to the Sam's case here. However, when it came to enemies-ghosts with rifles I was taking them down most often in ranged OW. Though have no additional info for you.

Was thinking whether stance plays a role here or if might be even misleading. So when an enemy stands adjacent to an ally, the ally will be forced to aiming stance. The similar goes with a turn ending. Usually when you end a turn a unit will have this idle animation, IIRC. But if you end turn via key while the mouse is over an enemy the unit will stay in aiming stance all the time till its next turn.

Just rolling a ball, am probably completely off thinking it may play any role in any issue. Would be neat if an ally goes idle on every end turn command regardless where the mouse is, talking from the pov how the battle plays and communicates, but this falls under feedback.


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Re: Ghost units
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2018, 02:49:42 PM »
The issue in this thread is very probably the cause of case 1 in post 1.