Vigilantes > Resolved Bugs

[Resolved] V26 - Paralised enemy does not drop dead



I am back and really impressed with how the game progress over time.

I would like to report, that if an enemy is paralised with Dim Mak move and then knocked out, the figure will keep standing. For gameplay purposes it does count as a kill though.

Thanks for reporting, will take a look at this now!

Can you remember how what type of weapon you were using when you knocked down the enemy?

I think it was HtH combat.

I'm almost certain this was the same bug that was fixed in V27: Fixed issue where characters KOed in a melee attack will sometimes remain standing. (ushas)

V27 went live a few days after you reported (first week in June). I really should have connected the dots on this sooner. I haven't seen it happen since, but if it occurs again, please let me know.


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