Vigilantes > Suggestions & Feedback

Skip intro for veteran players


I've started yet another new game to test out the new stuff and the game balance.
The first three or so missions are all the same.
Doc, Cuda, first ally.

Is there any chance of adding a new game option of skipping the start?
After character creation, we're given Doc, Cuda and a random ally and the map is opened up?
Maybe add a level or some XP to cover the skip.
I'd be fine with forgoing the XP in order to jump straight into the game and skip those intro missions.

By the way, if you do add something like this, don't call the option "Skip Intro" as that will seem like it's just skipping a cutscene.  =)

Yeah, can see what you mean. I suspect won't have the time to add this, though. At this point, need to restrict changes to the game as much as possible, as additions are the biggest risk of creating new bugs, which there's not going to be sufficient time to properly test changes. At this point, have 2 weeks, all in, to finish game

Yup... definitely something I should have considered earlier.  =)


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