Author Topic: Dialog options slightly broken if you don't meet the requirements  (Read 19814 times)


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Dialog options slightly broken if you don't meet the requirements
« on: September 05, 2018, 07:34:07 AM »
When I met the lord of flame, I had two options.
1. Attack the churchers
2. [Presence] Distract the churchers.
I clicked the second option several times. I pressed the 2 key several times.
It took a while, but I noticed the small message in red at the bottom of the screen that told me "This option is not available!", but it only appears if I hit the number 2, it doesn't appear when I click option 2.

It's the same for all dialog options that I don't qualify for.
Also... while pressing 2 tells me I can't do that option, pressing the 1 key does NOT select the first option. I have to click option 1.
Same occurred when I had:
1. [Medicine] Diagnose Studley's injuries
2. Attempt to diagnose Studley's injuries
Clicking the first option does nothing. Pressing the 1 key tells me "This option is not available!"
Pressing the 2 key does nothing. Clicking the second option continues the dialog.

Suggestion separate from the inconsistency of clicking versus typing the number:
At a minimum, could the warning message that appears at the bottom be placed up near the top. Preferably, could non-qualifying options be not visible or greyed out?


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Re: Dialog options slightly broken if you don't meet the requirements
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2018, 11:44:48 AM »
Hey, there might be a clarity issue here. The options which are not available should be grayed out, a standard option is white, whereas a skill based response is blue. Is this what is happening?

Looks like the keys aren't working properly for dialogue choices. Will look into this, and into making it more obvious when the response can be used, regardless of input.


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Re: Dialog options slightly broken if you don't meet the requirements
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2018, 04:49:06 AM »
I believe the skill-based options are NOT blue (because they are greyed out).
I suspect (I'm not looking at it right now) that the greyed out option is not distinct enough from the normal white text option. So, side by side they are not standing out (because when presented with two white-ish text options, I don't think to consider that the skill one is supposed to be blue.

Ok... I've just gotten an option for three conversation options.
1. Normal.
2. Skill check I don't meet.
3. Skill check I do meet.

So, they are white, grey and blue.
Since you've mentioned it's grey, I can see it. If you hadn't told me it was supposed to be grey, on my monitor I wouldn't have noticed.
Could I suggest another colour? Orange or red perhaps? Red might clash with the black background. You're the designer, I'm sure you'll work out what looks good.
Even a darker shade of grey might work... though then it might be an issue if someone has a darker monitor than mine. For my monitor, the white isn't bright enough to distinguish itself from the grey.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2018, 05:11:42 AM by Nomad »


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Re: Dialog options slightly broken if you don't meet the requirements
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2018, 03:26:19 PM »
Yeah, with you on the unavailable not being distinct enough. It's more grey now, and mouse over turns it red. Added a negative beep to alert player that they can't select the option, increased the size of the text, and made the feedback to the player the same, regardless of button or mouse click.