Author Topic: Crime rate and non-combat encounters  (Read 18866 times)


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Crime rate and non-combat encounters
« on: September 17, 2018, 06:30:25 AM »
I had an interesting experience.

I decided to go out of my way to mess with a gang's income.
I found a Rich area with a high Crime Rate (52%).
I hit them with the express intent of lowering the Crime Rate and therefore reducing their income.

First mission: Returned a purse/handbag. Got back out.
No change in Crime Rate and time has passed (meaning the gang is still benefiting from the Wealth of the area).

Second mission: Fix old woman's door. Get her gun.
No change in Crime Rate and time has passed.

Third mission: Fail at talking a guy off the roof because my Presence isn't high enough.
No change in Crime Rate and time has passed.

I'm pretty sure I had a fourth non-combat encounter before my fifth attempt finally allowed me to smack 'em down and reduce the Crime Rate a little.

I found it frustrating. I was getting all these varied encounters, but it was defeating my entire reason for doing missions in that block. I felt like my hands were being tied.

I assume it's too late in the game... but could some of those missions include a reward (where appropriate) of reducing the Crime Rate in that block?

Eg: I returned the woman's purse. That's a Police report that never got filed.
I repaired the woman's door. She gave me her gun, so clearly she felt safer now.

What do you think?


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Re: Crime rate and non-combat encounters
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2018, 11:07:15 AM »
Hey Nomad. Do you remember what tile type this was on? The thing that's jumping out is the old woman's door is linked to Chinatown, whereas the two others are downtown. The encounter situation isn't great, you can get several together if you haven't touched a sector/not launched a mission which had requirements for encounter. The non combat encounters are much shorter (1 hour) so it doesn't burn much time. Trying to avoid any non trivial changes (i.e. anything that doesn't involve changing a value that can be reasonably certain is safe) at the minute that aren't directly linked to a bug, or very important for balance.

I think longer term, it might make sense to add a system which notifies players if there's an encounter in an area, to prevent a sequence of them from happening.


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Re: Crime rate and non-combat encounters
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2018, 01:22:49 PM »
If it only burns an hour of time... then that's not critical.
I assume you burn that much or more per click of surveillance on a tile.

I don't remember what tile type. It was somewhere around E4 or thereabouts... but I'm just making a rough guess.

I just had a look at my game... E4 doesn't have a gang... lol... I suspect District: F3 Downtown.
It's possible I'm mistaken on what scenarios popped... but I could have sworn. It definitely might have started with the lost purse... maybe.
Either way... I had at least three non-combat missions in a row. It might have been four, but it was definitely three.
It sounds like the time taken for these is fairly inconsequential... so don't worry about it.


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Re: Crime rate and non-combat encounters
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2018, 04:22:58 PM »
Could have been the rookie cop one. It's also downtown. Yeah, it's less than a surveillance op, time wise.