Author Topic: Version 1.03 - What's happening?  (Read 22879 times)


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Version 1.03 - What's happening?
« on: November 19, 2018, 02:14:47 PM »
A log of work to date on Vigilantes Version 1.03

+ New Perk: Support Smoke - deploy a smoke grenade at no AP cost every 2 rounds and +10% CTH for throwing smoke.
+ New Perk: Fast Reload - reduces reload AP cost by 2
+ New Perk: Know No Fear - Allies are unaffected by enemies who cause fear. Enemies who inflict terror now inflict fear.
+ New Perk: Don't Crowd Me - Each adjacent enemy, excluding the first, increases close combat damage by 7%, to a maximum of 28%
+ New Perk: Court Martial - 20% damage bonus against enemy squad leader & 10% damage bonus if perk owner incapacitates squad leader
+ New Weapon: Bar Mace
+ New Weapon: Sharpened Machete
+ New Weapon: Bellum 9+
+ New Equipment: Smoke Grenade MK II
+ New Utility Item: Heavy Armour Plate
+ New Utility Item: Specialised Tools
+ New crafting recipes: Sharpened Machete, Bellum 9+, Trauma Kit MK I, Smoke Grenade MK I , Smoke Grenade MK II, Heavy Armour Plate
+ Added 3 diary entries and 3 newspaper articles

[Quality of Life, Interface & Information Improvements]
+ A character's influence area (in which fear and terror are inflicted) is now displayed on mouseover
+ It is now possible choose between starting combat unarmed, or with the item in the first equipped slot
+ It is possible to choose between starting combat in lethal / non lethal
+ Combat team's equipped items can be automatically repaired before combat.
+ The quick repair buttons now repair equipped items and items held in a character's inventory
+ Moved activated perk panel to a more central location to make it more obvious.
+ Added tooltips to armour to explain damage absorb & resistance.

+ The first gang lieutenant is now a danger level 2 encounter
+ Gang leaders now carry increased numbers of weapon parts
+ Improved Perks: Flurry, Heavy Swing, Precise Strike, Concussing Blow, Artery Strike, Investor, Grazed Limbs, Fearsome Presence, Terrifying Presence, Taunt, Tagged, Insult, Regeneration, Eye for Weakness, Close Quarters Rifleman, Close Quarters Sniper.
+ Improved Utility Items: De Inventione, Surveillance Kit, Lockpick Kit
+ Increased number of weapon parts available from defeating gang leaders
+ Investor perk can now be picked by any character, but does not stack
+ Enemy lieutenants now inflict fear, enemy bosses inflict terror
+ Increased number of weapon parts and chemical components stocked by shop
+ Multiple armour plate utility items can no longer be equipped together
+ Utility stat bonuses from Workshop now occur 1 level earlier
+ Increased bladed damage bonus from Instinct and Prowess stats
+ Penalties from fear and terror are now higher
+ Balanced skill allocation for Ray Case & Emilia De Soto

[Bugs & Text]
+ Fixed bug introduced in V1.02 allow melee and ranged attacks to reduce AP below 0 (B.vanhertum)
+ Trading ammo no longer contributes to trade skill or shop level, due to an exploit. (Nomad & Ba$t@rd)
+ Fixed a number of text errors. (Nomad)
+ Fixed delay turn ap cost showing as 1AP when player has tactical delay perk. (Nomad)
+ Fixed issue in which dialogue hotkeys were incorrectly mapped the survivalist rally encounters (B.vanhertum)
« Last Edit: December 01, 2018, 04:29:05 PM by Daithi »


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Re: Version 1.03 - What's happening?
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2018, 03:55:22 PM »
+ Combat team's equipped items can be automatically repaired before combat.

If you could also repair the items in their personal inventory. We often carry alternate weapons in there, and those are the one you could forget to repair the most.


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Re: Version 1.03 - What's happening?
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2018, 03:58:34 PM »

+ Penalties from fear and terror AND now higher
+ Penalties from fear and terror ARE now higher


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Re: Version 1.03 - What's happening?
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2018, 03:15:25 PM »
Will keep suggestion in mind, thanks. Typo fixed.


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Re: Version 1.03 - What's happening?
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2018, 07:42:16 PM »
+ New Perk: Don't Crowd Me - Each adjacent enemy, excluding the first, increases close combat damage by 6% (T)

We have permanent melee perk that give +20% and +10%. A situational bonus need to be bigger since it apply less often.
I think +12% for the 2nd enemy would be ok, 3rd and above could add +6%


+ Tradng ammo no longer contributes to trade skill or shop level, due to an exploit. (Nomad & Ba$t@rd)

« Last Edit: November 30, 2018, 03:05:47 AM by LordLancelot »


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Re: Version 1.03 - What's happening?
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2018, 11:12:48 AM »
Hey - don't crowd me isn't really intended to compete with destroyer, which has much higher requirements, but rather compliment it. Will think about it though.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2018, 11:23:35 AM by Daithi »


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Re: Version 1.03 - What's happening?
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2018, 12:31:29 PM »
It also compete with Perk like Heavy Swing +10% damage with low requirement (50 close combat).