Timeslip Softworks Forums

Vigilantes => Suggestions & Feedback => : Nomad June 26, 2017, 05:18:11 AM

: Is the Investor Perk working?
: Nomad June 26, 2017, 05:18:11 AM
When does the Investor Perk pay?
I've watched my money as the clock ticks over past midnight and no additional money appeared to be received.
I assume it comes in at a different time.
: Re: Is the Investor Perk working?
: Daithi June 26, 2017, 11:10:56 AM
Yeah, it's midnight. Problem was, label wasn't being updated. Should be working as intended now.
: Re: Is the Investor Perk working?
: Nomad June 26, 2017, 11:27:37 AM
Cool. I like them when they're easy.  =)
: Re: Is the Investor Perk working?
: Daithi June 26, 2017, 11:34:12 AM
Join the club :) It should create a notification now, to tell you how much you've gained.
: Re: Is the Investor Perk working?
: Nomad June 26, 2017, 01:54:54 PM
Ahh... even better.
Though... seeing as this is in the Suggestions and Feedback section... The Investor Perk seems pretty underpowered when I look at it.
It's something like 2% right? (I'd check it, but my game is frozen on the Interrogation screen currently and I'm waiting to see if it will clear up)

I've had a little over $3,000 amassed. That would give a total of $60.
Looking at that, I see no reason to save any money up. Now I spend it all immediately. Upgrades and weapons are worth more to me than an extra $60 which is why I spent the money on a $2,000 upgrade and a $1,000 upgrade.  =)
There's no comparison. The money is better off spent and the Perk point is better off spent elsewhere.

To me it looks like a Perk that won't make any real difference until after you've bought everything you need (and your money can build up). But, then you don't need it.

Increasing the percentage would make it more attractive and give the player a choice between spending money and hoarding it for later gain.
: Re: Is the Investor Perk working?
: ushas June 27, 2017, 02:56:14 AM
According to description it's 2%. Does it take into account only money at the moment of the midnight?
Anyway, those facilities also give items (aka money). And we can rise Trade skill, and Surveillance & Bypass (more post-mission loot IIRC). Yeah, it would need something more interesting (like investing into a gang or so).

Cool. I like them when they're easy.  =)
I like the opposite. ;D
: Re: Is the Investor Perk working?
: Nomad June 27, 2017, 05:06:51 AM
I meant "I like it when the fixes are easy."  =)
: Re: Is the Investor Perk working?
: ushas June 27, 2017, 06:45:05 PM