+ Added both endings
+ Utility slots now unlock at 3, 5, 7, 10, 13 (was 3, 5, 9, 12, 15)
+ Added information on which skills allies points are most heavily invested in
+ It is now more clear when a dialogue choice is not available.
+ Clearer instructions are provided on applying activated abilities, and enemy information is displayed when selecting a target
+ Color coded a number of cityscape icons
+ Added a help section describing the character system
+ Fixed Edgar's achievement not unlocking. (Brigand231 & Murkki017)
+ Fixed a bug which could prevent all rackets being displayed in the intel screen. (murkki017)
+ Fixed a number of typos (Megan, Santino27, Nomad)
+ Fixed crafting multiple armours or utility items only creating a single item. (Captain Defrenestrator, Nomad)
+ Fixed newspaper article headings being clipped
+ Fixed a duel with a cultist breaking under certain circumstances. (Captain Defrenestrator)
+ Fixed issue preventing players leaving the inventory during combat by pressing esc (liessahl)
+ Fixed incorrectly mapped walls in a downtown map (liessahl)