Author Topic: [Resolved] Armour Swapped in battle doesn't update until first hit  (Read 13400 times)


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[Resolved] Armour Swapped in battle doesn't update until first hit
« on: September 19, 2017, 03:43:19 PM »
And of course right when I decide to target different issue this one gets recreated...

What about this facing? So probably already resolved.

Btw. visually I thought Ray freezes at the first hit after his last turn (not KOing him), then other enemies continued attacking him and landing till he is down (but visually stays standing). It's 5 hits, no misses. Statistically that's not impossible, however, he also switched armour on his last turn, because of low state of the first one. So took a look at that.

First hit in the battle:
Code: [Select]
BCS.CalculateShotDifficulty. Shot difficulty is: 390 base shot difficulty: 60 shot difficulty from distance: 308 shot difficulty from crouching target: 0 shot difficulty from smoke: 0 shot difficulty from directional cover: 0 defense from evasion: 8 defense from armour: 14
Item.ReturnDamageAfterResistance. Start Damage: 15.11169 /armour condition %: 1 /absorbed 1 /resisted: 3.245689 /damage applied: 10.866
Item.ApplyDamageToArmour. Method called damage: 15.11169 /armour damage level: 2 /is crit:False /wrecking ball: False targetted body: False
Item.ApplyDamageToArmour. Total armour damage: 1.208935 /Total %: 0.08 /base: 0.08 /from crit: 0 /from wrecking ball: 0 /from target body: 0
CharacterMainScript.HandleWoundedState. Health %: 0.9205454 < Heavy: 0.25 < Light: 0.5
CharacterContainer.SetWoundedState. Method called. Wounded state is: 0
CharMainScript.ReduceHP. This character is in combat. Updating combatant icons
CombatQueueManager.UpdateCombatantIcon. Method called for character ID: 1 health is: 91.134
It seems 100% protection applied?

First hit in the last round, after he switches to the fresh armour (its also the one I thought he froze):
Code: [Select]
BCS.CalculateShotDifficulty. Shot difficulty is: 79 base shot difficulty: 60 shot difficulty from distance: 11 shot difficulty from crouching target: 0 shot difficulty from smoke: 0 shot difficulty from directional cover: 0 defense from evasion: 8 defense from armour: 0
Item.ReturnDamageAfterResistance. Start Damage: 15.11169 /armour condition %: 1 /absorbed 0 /resisted: 0 /damage applied: 15.11169
Item.ApplyDamageToArmour. Method called damage: 15.11169 /armour damage level: 2 /is crit:False /wrecking ball: False targetted body: False
Item.ApplyDamageToArmour. Total armour damage: 1.208935 /Total %: 0.08 /base: 0.08 /from crit: 0 /from wrecking ball: 0 /from target body: 0
CharacterMainScript.HandleWoundedState. Health %: 0.5765196 < Heavy: 0.25 < Light: 0.5
CharacterContainer.SetWoundedState. Method called. Wounded state is: 0
CharMainScript.ReduceHP. This character is in combat. Updating combatant icons
CombatQueueManager.UpdateCombatantIcon. Method called for character ID: 1 health is: 51.31025
Armour is 100% if I read it right, but no protection applied (he had ~66.4 HP before the hit), including CTH.

The following hits will hit Ray and armour protection seems applied and lowered properly. So it was only the first hit against changed armour.

Hm. Probably unrelated to persistent standing ally though. Wondering should I split myself voluntarily, or continue wreaking chaos...
« Last Edit: October 18, 2017, 05:25:18 PM by Daithi »


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Re: Armour Swapped in battle doesn't update until first hit
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2017, 01:25:23 PM »
Good catch - will look at this... after EA :)


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Re: Armour Swapped in battle doesn't update until first hit
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2017, 04:53:44 PM »
The standing problem is was likely a breakdown in animation, fixed a couple of these for 2H melee in V20, so that side should be good. Looking at armour now.


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Re: Armour Swapped in battle doesn't update until first hit
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2017, 05:25:05 PM »
And fixed.