Read the steam discussion about attacking diagonally. Enemies were doing that all the time, good it's allowed for us too.
However, hand to hand with that goes the question: why not allow the pathing itself diagonally around half-cover objects?
I've been collecting screenshots over time for this, so some examples follow.
The argument is that even when some clippings happen, it still looks more intuitive to allow diagonal pathing. As far as memory serves, half-cover objects are usually narrower, or have round corners. Perhaps taller tombstones or wide boxes might pose clipping issues, but units move fast, not so easy to notice.
For me the most strange it's around trees, I almost reported this as a pathfinding bug (it isn't):

Diagonal allowed around people, but not around half-cover:

Noted that going diagonally around new barrel objects is allowed... perhaps this direction was already contemplated?
Just to be clear, only talking about diagonal pathing around half-cover, not around full-cover.