Author Topic: [Resolved] KOed or not KOed  (Read 19661 times)


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[Resolved] KOed or not KOed
« on: May 10, 2018, 09:30:58 PM »
(v26, linux)

In game this looks like some new HtH knockdown.

Ray attacked the lady in HtH and she falls down but is still targetable and seems she has some HPs (+ under influence of various effects). Her portrait is removed from the queue.

Ray's attack knocking her down in the log:
Code: [Select]
CharMainScript.CacheSelectedUsableItem. Use mode is 0
CharMainScript.CacheSelectedUsableItem. last anim type: 2 / current anim type: 0 / last equipped item model pos: 4 / current equipped item model pos: -1
BattleControlScript.DisablePlayerInputForSeconds. Method called
CTHDisplayObjectScript.SetParticleSelectorBusy. METHOD CALLED
MouseTrackerScript.RefreshInput. Method called. Grid position is: (18.0, 16.0)
BattleControlScript.DetermineRightClickAction. Right click.
CharMainScript.CheckIfEnoughAP. Ap required:3 / current AP: 3
BattleControlScript.DisablePlayerInput. Method called
CharacterMainScript.SetupMeleeAttack. attacker is: Ray Case
CharMainScript.SetupMeleeAttack. Attack damage is: 10.85543 defender HP: 9.500305
Item.ReturnDamageAfterResistance. Damage is: 10.85543 / damage type: 0
Item.ReturnDamageAfterResistance. Start Damage: 10.85543 /armour condition %: 0.2674182 /absorbed 0 /resisted: 0.3483526 /damage applied: 10.50707
CharMainScript.SetupMeleeAttack. Is knocked out: True
CharacterMainScript.SetupMeleeAttack. Defender animation type is: 3 attacker animation type is: 0
BattlControlScript.GetMeleeAnimation. Method called. Number of viable attack animations: 3 / number of paired KO animations 3 bool in fallback list: 3
BattleControlScript.GetMleeAnimation. Number of attacks with regular KO: 3 Number with Fallback KO: 0
BCS.GetMeleeAnimation. Number of viable attack animation is: 3 number of K0's is: 3
BCS.GetMeleeAnimation. Attack/KO Pairs. Chosen animation number: 0
BCS.GetMeleeAnimation. Attack name is: Unarmed.Spinning Round-Kick[Head]
BCS.GetMeleeAnimation. KO name is: KO.Head RightTwist
CharacterMainScript.StartMeleeAttack. Is overwatch: False / is AOO: False attacker: Ray Case is knockout: True
IKScript.HandleTwoHandedMeleeIK. Method called.
CTHDisplayObjectScript.SetParticleSelectorBusy. METHOD CALLED
CharacterMainScript.StartMeleeAttack. Method called. Is overwatch attack: False / is AOO: False attacker: Ray Case
CharMoveScript.AnimateMeleeAttack. Animation name is: Unarmed.Spinning Round-Kick[Head] attack succeeds: True impact time: 0.58
CharacterMovementScript.SetDelayTakingCoverAnimationParameter. Method called. New value is: False
IKScript.HandleTwoHandedMeleeIK. Method called.
BattleControlAudio.GetFightSFX. Kick
BattleControlAudio.ReturnRandomSoundEffectFromList. Position is: 0
CharacterMainScript.StartMeleeAttack. Applied status effect is: 0
CharacterMainScript.ReduceHP. Method called. is overwatch: False /is AOO: Falsecharacter: Giada Scarsi
Item.ReturnDamageAfterResistance. Damage is: 10.85543 / damage type: 0
Item.ReturnDamageAfterResistance. Start Damage: 10.85543 /armour condition %: 0.2674182 /absorbed 0 /resisted: 3.60498 /damage applied: 7.250445
Item.ApplyDamageToArmour. Method called damage: 10.85543 /armour damage level: 2 /is crit:False /wrecking ball: False targetted body: False
Item.ApplyDamageToArmour. Total armour damage: 0.8684341 /Total %: 0.08 /base: 0.08 /from crit: 0 /from wrecking ball: 0 /from target body: 0
CharMainScript.ReduceHP. This character is in combat. Updating combatant icons
CombatQueueManager.UpdateCombatantIcon. Method called for character ID: 11 health is: 2.24986
CharacterMainScript.ReduceHP. This character HP current: 2.24986
CharacterMainScript.ReduceHP. HP for Giada Scarsi is > 0

Two damage calculations with different 'resisted' part?

Next turn Arcadi attacks her and the game plays KO animation (she re-falls into different position and drops a backpack) and this time she is eliminated all right.

PS: Fought today against a guy called Peppe Tarantino. Nice.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 02:47:52 PM by Daithi »


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Re: KOed or not KOed
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2018, 11:26:20 AM »
Have had a similar report on Steam. It doesn't appear to happen often, but would really like to sort this one out. You're almost certainly right about the cause - the first calc is pre attack to determine animation outcome, and the second is when damage is applied. Will look into the discrepancy.


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Re: KOed or not KOed
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2018, 01:46:53 PM »
Have made some progress. Guessing that that trait they have is melee resistant. If damage (10.85543) is multiplied by bonus from melee resistant (.30): 3.256629. Add in resistance from armour (0.3483526) and we get a familiar looking number: 3.6049816. It may not be the same problem that was reported on Steam (unfortunately), but it should be easy enough to fix from here.


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Re: KOed or not KOed
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2018, 01:56:15 PM »
Ha, forgot to check her trait, indeed. Good one.
Can you direct me to this Steam report? (if it isn't this ko issue then wondering if it may relate to those past ones happening to allies)


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Re: KOed or not KOed
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2018, 02:03:45 PM »
Had a look, and think the bug in question was reported directly, rather than though forums. Will see if can locate email, but if memory serves, there wasn't much detail (no logs, just a pic): Sam was wielding an assault rifle, got hit by a close combat attack and didn't go down, even though he should have.

Edit: Sounds like the same issue. Would be a nice bug to KO.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 02:06:31 PM by Daithi »


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Re: KOed or not KOed
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2018, 02:20:17 PM »
Oh, I see. In case it was in some earlier version, it sounds similar to the ghost units issue (recalling the assault rifle one), but if he is still targeable and shows any HPs on mouseover, then it's something else... perhaps armour plate utility item? (can try test this)


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Re: KOed or not KOed
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2018, 02:47:40 PM »
Just fixed the problem. It's very probable that this also caused the issues you reported with assault rifle. It's not limited to characters will melee resistance trait, but MR increases liklihood that there will be a difference between animation outcome and final outcome.

If had to put a number on it, it would be around 90% probability. I don't think there's much point going after armour plate in light of this, but if it happens again, please let me know. Thanks for the log, this would have been really problematic to figure out without it.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 02:51:38 PM by Daithi »


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Re: [Resolved] KOed or not KOed
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2018, 03:27:52 PM »
Looks like three birds by one shot. That's great! Was really confused by the rifle situation. Sure, will let know if anything.