Author Topic: Suggestion - Auto reload after/before missions  (Read 17756 times)


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Suggestion - Auto reload after/before missions
« on: December 15, 2016, 05:45:23 AM »
If the character has the ammo (or just take it from the Base inventory) can they automatically reload between missions?
If I finish a mission with 1 bullet in a gun, head back to base, spend some time doing stuff, spend more time doing surveillance, then head into a new mission almost a day later, it seems odd that the "professional" is still walking around with only 1 bullet in their gun.

Additional suggestion.
Gear load out.
Could we mark/lock gear and every time the character goes out, they automatically take that gear?
Eg: if I have a loaded gun, 16 spare bullets and 4 medikits, then when I go out the character replenishes their bullets up to 16 and their kits up to 4 before they leave.

A gear load out would also be helpful for transferring loot picked up in the field. Click the "move everything to base inventory" could ignore the person's own gear and just move all the junk.


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Re: Suggestion - Auto reload after/before missions
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2016, 12:40:31 PM »
Yes, this is something I'm going to work on. Auto loading and auto repairing would save a lot of clicks, and avoid embarrassing situations like you described  :)

Having a loadout could happen. I'd be more inclined to work on auto loading and repair first, and see how things are going in terms of time for the loadout option.


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Re: Suggestion - Auto reload after/before missions
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2016, 07:20:13 AM »
I agree totally that auto loading/repairing would be best to sort first.
A load out is just one of those wishlist items that I always wanted in games like X-COM.


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Re: Suggestion - Auto reload after/before missions
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2016, 12:34:42 AM »
Have been meaning to tackle auto reload since the later demos. It's something with a potential for bugs though, so didn't want to add it pre kickstarter. I'd like to have a go at region specific targetting (head, torso, arms, etc) soon also. Given the emphasis on combat, adding depth to the combat system is very high on the list.


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Re: Suggestion - Auto reload after/before missions
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2016, 01:34:07 PM »
I'd like to have a go at region specific targetting (head, torso, arms, etc) soon also. Given the emphasis on combat, adding depth to the combat system is very high on the list.



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Re: Suggestion - Auto reload after/before missions
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2016, 11:37:14 AM »
I agree with Auto-reload, it would be neat.

Not so on board with auto-repair. As I understand, eventually repairs will take time, so it is good to be able to manage that part and decide what should be repaired when, given the limited time.


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Re: Suggestion - Auto reload after/before missions
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2016, 07:18:12 PM »
I agree with Auto-reload, it would be neat.

Not so on board with auto-repair. As I understand, eventually repairs will take time, so it is good to be able to manage that part and decide what should be repaired when, given the limited time.

Yeah, I agree. If it consumes time, it should be the player's choice. What I'll likely do for repairs is have 2 buttons in inventory, 1 for repair current character equipment, another for repair entire active team.