Author Topic: The Introduce Yourself Thread  (Read 64925 times)


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2016, 09:30:25 PM »
Ah, probably avoided being forced to drink hemlock, so it's not all bad  :)


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread
« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2016, 12:15:25 AM »
Hey Nomad - good to get to know you. I heard a reference to dungeons and dragons being linked to satanism over the last few days - it's really strange if you think about it, but I guess many media, especially music has been connected. Any idea why this is the case? (I must do some reading on this!)

How's the novel coming along? I spent a few years writing but never really got much further than a dozen or so short stories. Found it really hard to write something bigger.

Last few DAYS???? Wow...
Yeah, effectively it's ignorant people having a vocal opinion on something they know nothing about. Plays (back in the olden days), music, movies, RPG's and now it's mostly computer games that old/stupid people are blaming for violence and the "decline in morality". Basically, any entertainment media that the previous generation doesn't understand.

I have finished the first draft of part 1 of my first book. That comes in at about 45,000 words. I've started part 2, but I'm only a little over 2,000 words into that.
I have a child that is just under a year and a half old, which cuts into my time significantly. Add to that my role-playing (world creation as well as a weekly game), miniature painting, terrain building, computer gaming, watching movies and helping out around the house.... and there's not a lot of time to go around.  =P


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread
« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2016, 03:02:31 PM »
Ha, yeah, I'm a few decades late to the party. Not sure where I heard it mentioned, maybe on the radio, or maybe I picked it up when reading about scapegoating video games. The closest I got to D&D as a child was Hero Quest, which I'd guess was watered down in terms of complexity. Games do seem to be the main scapegoat in media for the past few decades - it's something I've thought about quite a lot.

That's good going in the midst of a busy life. Do you find the first draft most difficult?


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread
« Reply #18 on: November 11, 2016, 06:10:19 AM »
The biggest hurdle in any novel (from what I've looked into) is just getting it down. Once you've got something down, editing it and refining it is much easier.
So, yes, the first draft is the most difficult. Not to mention that I'm an incredibly proficient procrastinator, so I'll do anything other than writing unless I'm particularly inspired.


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread
« Reply #19 on: November 24, 2016, 02:40:04 PM »
Hi guys and gals,

My name is Vasily, I am an IT consultant from Sweden. Working mostly with web frontend during the day and playing different strategy games at night. My favourite games are Civilisation, Endless Space, MoO, MoM, CK II and EU.
I also played a lot of XCOM and Jagged alliance games.

Looking forward to the development of this game and hope to make it even more awesome.


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread
« Reply #20 on: November 24, 2016, 03:27:42 PM »
Hi Vasily. Thanks for signing up to the forum. It's good to get to know you!


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread
« Reply #21 on: December 10, 2016, 08:02:03 AM »
Hi all,

girl (well...more like a woman or even granny at +/- 60  ;D ) gamer from Switzerland here. I've worked and played with computers since 1976 and the Internet since 1995. I dislike most games with a toxic atmosphere...I play games to distract and entertain myself not to be insulted or insult others and so I ended up playing mostly single player games after some years in mmos and other multiplayer environments.
Turn based games became important after my hands decided to act up and Vigilantes caught my eye because it is the type of game I like to play these days  :)

If you need help with the translation to German, let me know. I am more or less bilingual in English and German and have done several translations.


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread
« Reply #22 on: December 10, 2016, 03:33:49 PM »
Hi eleve. Thanks for introducing yourself. It's nice to get to know you.

Likewise, I dislike games with a toxic environment. For the most part, I avoid competitive games as this seems to be where most of the agro is. A lot of it seems to come from people being unable to deal with losing a game. Sorry to hear your hands are giving you difficulty. Glad Vigilantes caught your eye, we'll do our very best to make it the best game it can be. Thanks for the offer to help with translation - it's unknown if it will be translated yet, but appreciate the offer.


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread
« Reply #23 on: December 10, 2016, 11:39:57 PM »
Hi there Eleve, and welcome to hte community.
It's always wonderful to met new people with common interests despite any other difference like geografy or age.
You are gonna have to give me the story behind your name though since the cat is envious of my curiosity ^_^

As for your hands, I'm sorry to hear that, despite my younger age I have an idea of what it's like when your body will no longer do what you demand of it.
Was a soldier for 8 years until my knees (Family heritage of weak knees) betrayed me and would no longer let me do the job I love.
I still walk fine, just not with the weight demanded to be stationed in warzones.


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread
« Reply #24 on: October 04, 2017, 08:14:23 AM »
Hi, all.

I am starting learning Java for web development, but I heard that someone is looking for game developer, right?


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread
« Reply #25 on: October 09, 2017, 12:32:36 PM »
Hi Peter,

Welcome and sorry for the slow response! I'm afraid we aren't looking for additional developers at present!


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread
« Reply #26 on: December 07, 2017, 09:13:29 PM »
Hi! Nice to meet you all! I'm Jan, come from Poland. I'm also a big fan of Manga and sneakers studio :)


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread
« Reply #27 on: December 08, 2017, 01:06:35 AM »
Hello Jan.
Welcome to the forum.
There's an interesting mix of people here, so I'm sure you'll fit right in.  =)

Hope you enjoy the game and jump in if you have any questions or suggestions.


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread
« Reply #28 on: March 31, 2018, 06:00:52 PM »
Hello persons!

I'm Aikon which in greek is icon, an image, and I'm largely intersted in biomechanics, but here I am only for the fun of gaming!


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Re: The Introduce Yourself Thread
« Reply #29 on: April 02, 2018, 12:18:45 PM »
Hey Aikon - welcome to the forums :)