Hey Nomad - good to get to know you. I heard a reference to dungeons and dragons being linked to satanism over the last few days - it's really strange if you think about it, but I guess many media, especially music has been connected. Any idea why this is the case? (I must do some reading on this!)
How's the novel coming along? I spent a few years writing but never really got much further than a dozen or so short stories. Found it really hard to write something bigger.
Last few DAYS?

Yeah, effectively it's ignorant people having a vocal opinion on something they know nothing about. Plays (back in the olden days), music, movies, RPG's and now it's mostly computer games that old/stupid people are blaming for violence and the "decline in morality". Basically, any entertainment media that the previous generation doesn't understand.
I have finished the first draft of part 1 of my first book. That comes in at about 45,000 words. I've started part 2, but I'm only a little over 2,000 words into that.
I have a child that is just under a year and a half old, which cuts into my time significantly. Add to that my role-playing (world creation as well as a weekly game), miniature painting, terrain building, computer gaming, watching movies and helping out around the house.... and there's not a lot of time to go around. =P