Author Topic: Vigilantes Version 21: What's Happening  (Read 27739 times)


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Vigilantes Version 21: What's Happening
« on: October 09, 2017, 12:39:43 PM »
+ Gang lieutenants will now set up ambushes for the player if their pattern of attacking districts becomes too predictable
+ Characters with 2 or more adjacent enemies become surrounded, pay less attention to active threats, and are easier to hit in close combat and with firearms
+ Night missions now impose a 5% penalty to ranged CTH and cover is more effective at night... could be a good time to hit the survivalists
+ When fighting indoors, assault and precision rifles suffer a 5% CTH penalty due to being used in an enclosed space
+ Added fuel barrels and gas canisters as objects which can be activated to set an area on fire or explode

+ Added new subway map
+ Added 12 illustrations for gang leaders
+ Added MK II incendiary grenades and MKII improvised explosives
+ Added crafting recipes for MK II Incendiary and IE
+ Added new non combat encounter: From The Precipice
+ Added new encounter: Intimidation

+ Gang lieutenants now require 2, rather than 3 pieces of intel to locate.
+ Rackets require 2, rather than the planned 3 pieces of intel to locate
+ Racket and boss encounters are now more difficult
+ The per tile tactical re-positioning cost is now lower
+ Failing tactical repositioning now imposes a -1 initiative penalty on your team
+ City tiles with high wealth provide gangs stationed there with improved equipment
+ General Arms Peacemaker SMG can now fire a single, more accurate, 3AP shot in addition to a burst
+ Gang characters get a starting level bonus at Hard Boiled or greater difficultly level
+ Gangs get a scaling bonus to income at higher difficulties
+ Increased the severity of having an adjacent enemy and trying to use an assault or sniper rifle
+ Choosing the friendly fire perk now prevents allies being hit by the shotgun's cone of fire, rather than reducing the chances of being hit
+ The Battle Frenzy perk now has a 30%, rather than 10% to activate when you KO an enemy
+ The shop now generates more component items

+ Added an option to toggle between fullscreen and windowed
+ Added an option to disable film grain
+ Added an option to set camera move speed & increased camera rotation speed
+ Camera scrolling can now be disabled when the level starts, and re-enabled with a key press. Workaround for Linux wandering camera bug
+ Camera movement speed increases as camera gains elevation
+ Individual tutorials can now be disabled
+ Changed how current / max health is displayed, to make it more clear when a character is wounded

+ Fixed a bug where swapping between regular and hot loaded ammo could cause errors with the ammo unloaded from the gun (Supervoid)
+ Fixed a bug where input was being disabled in error, forcing players to click a UI element to re-enable it (Ushas & murrki017)
+ Fixed a bug whereby input was enabled when enemies changed weapons, which caused an issue in AOO and potentially other areas (Ushas)
+ Fixed a number of typos (Gloomseeker)
+ Fixed reachable tile display showing for enemies is escaped to menu during enemy turn (Ushas)
+ Fixed armour replaced during combat not updating protection until first hit (Ushas)
+ Sodium Thiopental no longer used if you opt not to use it (MotherAce[No])
+ Fixed issue with loading some gang leader fights (degzee64)
+ Rackets can no longer be found by surveillance only
+ Fixed issue with enemy fleeing in survivalist training facility (Ushas)
+ Made changes to code for switching between scenes, in the hope this resolves the issues with level loading.
+ Fixed crouching bonus was not being applied to characters in cover
+ Fixed issue with character not strafing after one strafe per turn
+ Fixed characters being able to shoot through one of the buildings in alleys 2 (Sheepify)
+ Fixed a bug where failing and retrying the first mission could cause crashes and unpredictable behaviour (Ushas, Tortousit, Tchey, Alatar)
+ Fixed an issue whereby dragging a stack of items onto a stack of the same type could cause unpredictable behaviour with inventory
+ Fixed rackets not being removed
+ Fixed rackets not providing a piece of intel on a lieutenant or another racket
« Last Edit: November 07, 2017, 01:49:20 PM by Daithi »


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Re: Vigilantes Version 21: What's Happening
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2017, 01:17:24 AM »
+ Added an option to set camera move speed & increased camera rotation speed
+ Camera movement speed increases as camera gains elevation


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Re: Vigilantes Version 21: What's Happening
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2017, 09:48:13 AM »

I know... hope you were sitting down when you got the news :)


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Re: Vigilantes Version 21: What's Happening
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2017, 03:22:17 PM »
 Um... can we pretend a cosmic anomaly? :-[

Anyway, looking forward to v21 lieutenant camera edition.


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Re: Vigilantes Version 21: What's Happening
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2017, 08:55:51 PM »
Congratz on the Early Access and getting the game this far mate.
Very impressive and worthy of praise.

I figur I might have time for a little playtesting this weekend, getting some semi fresh eyes on everything and such :)
However question is, do you even need more feedback at this point? Or is most things set in stone by now?
I'm asking because I'd enjoy spending the time playtesting and giving feedback, but if it will be most needless, I might as well sit back and wait to enjoy the game in it's final form :)

Much love and respect


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Re: Vigilantes Version 21: What's Happening
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2017, 07:59:37 AM »
Hey Nigheyes, good to hear from you! Thanks, it's a nice feeling to have hit EA :)

More feedback is always good, it's a big part of the reason for going on EA. Some aspects of the game are unlikely to change, but much of it isn't set in stone yet, and very open to suggestions!


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Re: Vigilantes Version 21: What's Happening
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2017, 01:49:26 PM »
Sup Daithi

Due to a death in the extended family, I didn't get around to playing this weekend, so only put in a few hours today.
2 things I noticed though in the options menu that would be very valuable for many users would be the ability to choose between full screen and windowed mode (Yes I know about alt+enter but most people dont).
Similarly, the ability to change which monitor the game is one would be benificial for those of us with multi monitor setups as the one the game chooses might not be our main monitor.

I was able to window and drag it to the one I wanted, and it then remembered, but again, not all people know how to do this.

I got no idea how easy/hard it is to impliment these features into the game, but windowed/fullscreen is a very basic option and is definatly needed.
choosing monitor is less essential, but it's something I've heard several game critics applaud games for having, so it's definatly something to consider at the least

I love the intro though, wasn't there the last time I started up the game :)
Really got me hyped to kick the ass of those hooligans :)
especially when it slides out of focus as he describes what is in his hand and the narrowing of vision as he puts on the mask :)

Also, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this previously, but who knows, it's been close to a year ;)
It would be nice if there was a way to see what enimy have what statuses and what those statuses do
Same goes for attacks, I can see that melee attacks have different to-hit percentages, but as I can't see how much damage the haymaker does compared to the light attack it's very hard to know when which is a better choice. Especially when my first attack with a haymaker does 7.7 damage and my next which is simply an "attack" does 9.x damage. I figur it's because the second attack was a crit, but that is not well indicated to a new player (I think the damage numbers had a different colour?). I suggest something like including CRIT or CRITICAL HIT in the text so it's on 2 lines
Critical hit
9.8 damage

Last thing is when crafting. let me buy the components I need from the crafting menu, don't make me go to the shop to buy those components, it's busy work for no reason and sometimes I forget how manu of a certain component I needed when I'm in the shop so I have to go back to the crafting menu, find the item I want, see what I'm missing, go back to the shop, find the component, buy them, go back to the crafting menu, find the item again, and then craft it.
My suggestion is simply to include a button on the crafting menu once you'ce selected an item that says something like "buy missing components"
I included a mock screenshot of what I mean

Last thing I noticed so far is simply that the ability to have more than 1 auto save as well as the ability to save in missions would be really helpful.
Also, I noticed that the game auto saves when you begin a mission, not when you finish one, this means you can lose an entire mission progression if you aren't aware of this and don't manually save.
Personally I would prefer that the game autosaved at the end of missions, preferably both at the end of missions and when you start them since those are the 2 times you are most likely to have made a lot of progress that can be lost.
The lack of saving inside of a mission, is also kinda of frustrating, since I remember some of hte later missions can take quite some time and if you are interrupted for whatever reason, you are unable to save and then resume later

Those are what i was able to pick up on for now.
I will try to get back in the game over the next few weeks and throw you some more feedback, but no promises.



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Re: Vigilantes Version 21: What's Happening
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2017, 03:09:36 PM »
Hi Nighteyes - I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Hope your family is doing as well as possible given the circumstances.

Thanks for the feedback. An in game windowed mode is coming in this update - concerning monitor, it is possible to set the monitor by holding alt when launching, but if it's easy to add this as a setting, will do that too.

I agree that the status effects need to be described for enemies, and there needs to be a better selection method and information for different attack types. Both will happen :)

I can see the sense of the suggestion concerning crafting, and other quality of life additions. I agree they would be good to have, and depending on how things go with time, will look at adding them.

It's a good point concerning autosaves - there would be a gain in saving post combat. Concerning saves during missions, it could be done, but it's likely to take in the region of 1-2 weeks full time work, which could potentially be spent on other things, will keep it in mind though.

Sure, sounds good!


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Re: Vigilantes Version 21: What's Happening
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2017, 05:57:11 PM »
It seems that I cannot get a Steam key, because I already claimed a reward through HumbleBundle.
Any assistance would be appreciated, as I would like to give this game a proper runthrough and come back with more feedback and improvement suggestions.


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Re: Vigilantes Version 21: What's Happening
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2017, 01:25:26 AM »
If you go back into Humble and re-download it, it should be the latest version.
That's how I keep getting the updates.


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Re: Vigilantes Version 21: What's Happening
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2017, 11:58:08 AM »
It seems that I cannot get a Steam key, because I already claimed a reward through HumbleBundle.
Any assistance would be appreciated, as I would like to give this game a proper runthrough and come back with more feedback and improvement suggestions.

There will be a Steam key in the humble package - if you enter the URL I sent you, it should be there. It may be under the "unclaimed purchases" section if you haven't linked it to your email.


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Re: Vigilantes Version 21: What's Happening
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2018, 05:52:04 PM »
It seems that I cannot get a Steam key, because I already claimed a reward through HumbleBundle.
Any assistance would be appreciated, as I would like to give this game a proper runthrough and come back with more feedback and improvement suggestions.

There will be a Steam key in the humble package - if you enter the URL I sent you, it should be there. It may be under the "unclaimed purchases" section if you haven't linked it to your email.

Got it and installing the game now. I hope it is auto-updating to the latest version, we will see in a few minutes.


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Re: Vigilantes Version 21: What's Happening
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2018, 10:23:24 AM »
Hey Chabbrik. Steam should download the most recent version for you. It should say V23 in lower right of the main menu.