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Suggestions & Feedback / Re: Suggestions based on V29
« Last post by Daithi on September 06, 2018, 10:31:20 AM »
Hey Nomad :)

I agree, it's quite cluttered. I'll see if there's anything I can do with it.

Have changed the tutorial now.

I was thinking about crouching - move ap. Will have a look at it.
Suggestions & Feedback / Suggestions based on V29
« Last post by Nomad on September 05, 2018, 08:02:12 AM »
The pop-up messages on the cityscape obscure the gang intel and the action buttons.
Doing intel on the cityscape, the gang intel and action buttons get obscured by the information pop-ups, like info obtained, skill level-up and gang actions like leveling or building a facility.

The cityscape help screen still says you can see all allies on the map for early access. Remember to  update this when you release.

This is my first time with the updated Athletic (I'm thinking of the one that gives you 2 movement AP).
Would it be possible to have crouching count as movement? It currently costs 1 AP and comes off of your normal AP.

The scenario where you assist the Police chief (or whoever the naked guy with the hand gun is that the mafia are going for), perhaps don't have an interrogation option after, seeing as he ends by saying he's going to get the media in and the police, etc.
He's clearly taking over the scene.
Suggestions & Feedback / Feedback on V29
« Last post by Nomad on September 05, 2018, 07:55:45 AM »
I haven't played since V25.

Low HP enemies at the start makes a massive improvement.

The updates telling me the gangs have increased in level and built facilities promotes a good sense of urgency.

Breaking down ammo is most welcome.

Being able to craft ammo is Awesome.

Increased supplies of stuff at the shop is great (it's not excessive, but a noticeable improvement over the constant scrounging for armour components in V25).
Suggestions & Feedback / Skip intro for veteran players
« Last post by Nomad on September 05, 2018, 07:47:10 AM »
I've started yet another new game to test out the new stuff and the game balance.
The first three or so missions are all the same.
Doc, Cuda, first ally.

Is there any chance of adding a new game option of skipping the start?
After character creation, we're given Doc, Cuda and a random ally and the map is opened up?
Maybe add a level or some XP to cover the skip.
I'd be fine with forgoing the XP in order to jump straight into the game and skip those intro missions.

By the way, if you do add something like this, don't call the option "Skip Intro" as that will seem like it's just skipping a cutscene.  =)
Suggestions & Feedback / Allow all ammo types to be broken down for gunpowder
« Last post by Nomad on September 05, 2018, 07:42:50 AM »
Feedback regarding breaking down small calibre ammo for gunpowder:
I love that you added this.

Would it be possible to have each of the ammo types to be broken open for the gunpowder?
You'd have to work out how many rounds you'd want of each type to gain 1 gunpowder in order to balance it.
Report a Bug / Don't show again checkbox not working for Raids
« Last post by Nomad on September 05, 2018, 07:39:13 AM »
When the gangs do a raid and I go to stop them, the game explains the raid mechanic over two help dialogs. I read both and then click the "Don't Show Again" checkbox.

Next raid, the same 2 page dialog help information is displayed again.
It comes up every raid for me.
Had components to craft 2 Personal Armours. Clicked the up arrow and it told me I was only missing 4 Padding to be able to craft 3 armour. I had two allies, so I went to the shop and bought the padding to craft armour for everyone.
I used the up arrow to select 3 armours to craft and it told me the time, materials required and the number of armours to be crafted (x3 appeared on the picture of the armour). I clicked the craft button and my materials were used.
Then I went to my inventory to find only one armour in storage. I put it on Sam and there were no other armours for my other two allies. The materials were gone.

After a mission there were still no additional armours (in case they were crafting over time), so I went and bought more supplies and crafted a single armour and I got it straight away. This demonstrated to me that the other two were never made.

I tested it by crafting a backpack. Told it to craft 2. Took my materials but only gave me 1.
Resolved Bugs / Dialog options slightly broken if you don't meet the requirements
« Last post by Nomad on September 05, 2018, 07:34:07 AM »
When I met the lord of flame, I had two options.
1. Attack the churchers
2. [Presence] Distract the churchers.
I clicked the second option several times. I pressed the 2 key several times.
It took a while, but I noticed the small message in red at the bottom of the screen that told me "This option is not available!", but it only appears if I hit the number 2, it doesn't appear when I click option 2.

It's the same for all dialog options that I don't qualify for.
Also... while pressing 2 tells me I can't do that option, pressing the 1 key does NOT select the first option. I have to click option 1.
Same occurred when I had:
1. [Medicine] Diagnose Studley's injuries
2. Attempt to diagnose Studley's injuries
Clicking the first option does nothing. Pressing the 1 key tells me "This option is not available!"
Pressing the 2 key does nothing. Clicking the second option continues the dialog.

Suggestion separate from the inconsistency of clicking versus typing the number:
At a minimum, could the warning message that appears at the bottom be placed up near the top. Preferably, could non-qualifying options be not visible or greyed out?
Resolved Bugs / Text corrections
« Last post by Nomad on September 05, 2018, 07:22:57 AM »
Inventory Help screen
Pages 2 and 3 double up info.
Everything that appears on page 3 has been tacked on to the end of page 2.

Page 4 of the Cityscape help
Add a comma after the word "all".
"Many, but not all, have a criminal presence"

Mafia bark - slippier
I assume it's meant to say "This guy's slipperier than a..." meaning he is more slippery than the thing.

"All allies lose a large amount of rep if incapacitated"
This is what Arcadi, Caia and Edgar's descriptions say, whereas Ray's description says:
"No penalties if party member incapacitated"
Should the other three say "This ally loses a large amount of rep if incapacitated"?
If so, could Ray say "No penalties if this party member is incapacitated" Or, if you're trying to keep the text on one line and the text is unique to the allies, then say "No penalties if Ray is incapacitated"

"All allies gain a small amount of rep if healed by Sam"
Not all allies have this message. Is it true for all allies, or just the ones with the message?

Insult Perk effect description
Is the critical chance increase against the character that uses Insult?
That's how it reads. Should it refer to the target rather than "this character"?
Gameplay Discussion / Vigilantes Version 30: What's happening
« Last post by Daithi on September 03, 2018, 10:32:17 PM »
+ Added both endings

+ Utility slots now unlock at 3, 5, 7, 10, 13 (was 3, 5, 9, 12, 15)
+ Added information on which skills allies points are most heavily invested in
+ It is now more clear when a dialogue choice is not available.
+ Clearer instructions are provided on applying activated abilities, and enemy information is displayed when selecting a target
+ Color coded a number of cityscape icons
+ Added a help section describing the character system

+ Fixed Edgar's achievement not unlocking. (Brigand231 & Murkki017) 
+ Fixed a bug which could prevent all rackets being displayed in the intel screen. (murkki017)
+ Fixed a number of typos (Megan, Santino27, Nomad)
+ Fixed crafting multiple armours or utility items only creating a single item. (Captain Defrenestrator, Nomad)
+ Fixed newspaper article headings being clipped
+ Fixed a duel with a cultist breaking under certain circumstances. (Captain Defrenestrator)
+ Fixed issue preventing players leaving the inventory during combat by pressing esc (liessahl)
+ Fixed incorrectly mapped walls in a downtown map (liessahl)
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