(v22-v23, linux)
There are some occasions when KO animation won't play. So a downed unit stays standing. Perhaps the trigger might be different in each case. Will split them by weapon they were holding, based on past advice during the Ray & bat case (maybe it's a similar type of issues?)
http://timeslipsoftworks.com/forum/index.php/topic,421So far they were always having either a grenade or a rifle. For the record, as of now, in v23 have managed to recreate only the rifle case. Unlucky to have a common enemies using grenades lately. Most of observations are based on v22 play.
1) Assault rifle, 2h
This one happened during a Mafia lieutenant fight. According to the log Sam was taken down in CC. Think it must have been more attacks and enemies targeting him. However, I haven't seen it unfold, being alt+tabbed out of the game during turns of enemies.
During v22 was getting several enemies like this, think often taken down in OW. So far they all have been adjacent to full cover, either diagonally or orthogonaly, and facing orthogonaly to that side. Or at least seems that way. Dunno.
They keep playing an idle animation for the rest of the battle (hm, instead of fixing I suggest making them a bit transparent...).
2) Grenade, 1hWhen enemies end turn holding a grenade it can also happen that they won't be downed upon incapacitation. Think it can also happen when they are in open (can't find a screenshot, aka evidence, right now). Their stand like lady on the top (dropped a backpack all right):

Just more examples of guys with rifles. All three images here were captured during v22.
With grenades they are frozen. However, seems there is often no idle grenade-holding animation in some stances, or it doesn't play in a certain situation. For example, often getting the grenade-holding enemies frozen (not idling) after they are hit. Unsure if that's any way related to downing (don't need to be incapacitated for no idle animation).
Not much info right now, I guess. Can try look through the log, or upload more guys (though possibly all the same two issues), and work more on recreation, but perhaps you will know much better what to look for in this?